TD 005

TD 005

Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:43 pm


Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:38 pm
5.26 mm
1/134.77088948787 Sec
Flash did not fire, auto mode
Normal program
0 EV
Center-weighted average
Teardrop Inspector
Posts: 6
Images: 5
Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:08 am
Location: Ontario Canada

Image Description

Finally finished my Teardrop!
Geeee! that didn't take long to build just Sept 2011-July 2012! :roll: lol
Made from a 4'x4" wooden 1940's box trailer someone gave me.
4'x8' Teal blue Benjoy style with a split rear lid. Tongue weight 112lbs.
Aluminum top and galley lid.
All walls, doors and roof trusses are 1" hand milled oak with 1" rigid foam insulation.
Exterior is 1/4 birch veneer plywood, interior is 1/4" baltic birch plywood with hand milled tiger maple trim throughout.
1932 Chevy truck cast iron drop front axel with C78x15" 6 stud wheels.
Black and white checkerboard industrial floor tiles.
Custom made oak galley cupboards with parquet countertop with inset marble cutting board etc. etc.etc..

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