

Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:41 pm
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8) This guy is hauling around 600 lbs of stuff including himself . I'm very impressed even if I have no desire to pull that kind of weight myself .
Posted in Wyoming " from Dec 3rd "
"Unique biker passing through area

Drivers are curious when they see the unique bike rider pulling a small trailer through the area. Pedaling through 35 states in 12 years on a recumbent tricycle pulling an 8-foot customized trailer home, Tony Adams is no stranger to the scorching heat of summer or the biting cold of winter. However, he says this year's tough conditions have caused him to change his original travel plans a bit.

Adams says this is his 6th winter riding. He left Fort Collins on December 3rd on his way to Bismark, North Dakota. But after experiencing numbness in his feet for 7 weeks, Adams says this is an uncompleted trip. After spending three weeks in Rapid City, he is now headed back home. Adams says he will still get to Bismark, but will attempt the trip during the summer.

Altogether, Adams' vehicle is 13 feet long and carries a full 600 pounds of gear, food and pedal-pusher. He has a propane stove inside, along with 3 bedrolls, tools, clothing, winter gear, pots & pans, food for up to a week, and a 3 day supply of water.

Originally from Eagle Point, Oregon and more recently from Fort Collins, Adams says he has never owned a motorized vehicle and has never had a drivers license. He relies on donations and his personal resources keep pedaling around the country."
He has an interesting trailer for sure .

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