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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:19 pm
by Micro469
Being my first Gathering, my first night in a tear, my first camping trip in about 10 years, I was pleasently suprised at how welcome everyone made us feel. Had a great time, and enjoyed every minute of it. Hope to see everyone next year.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:20 pm
by Allen S
hi all, leslie & i had a great time this weekend. it was our first time but you all made us feel like we have been friends for years. thank you & thanks to dave and kate for starting this. we're already planing for next year.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:51 pm
by Finntec
It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones in person. Its always a pleasure to talk TDs with everyone. Every trailer is as unique and fun as it's owner's are. We had two great pot lucks w/out rain. We have already been discussing ideas for next year. Thanks to Dave & Kathy for organizing another great gathering.

Hope to see everyone at S meets N. in 2 months. We'll have to plan our Fall Teardown in the mean time. More to come...

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:37 pm
by Kurt (Indiana)
Micro469 wrote:Being my first Gathering, my first night in a tear, my first camping trip in about 10 years, I was pleasently suprised at how welcome everyone made us feel. Had a great time, and enjoyed every minute of it. Hope to see everyone next year.

John & Jerri, It was a great time and meeting new friends was an added benefit.

Thanks for bring a good neighbor. :thumbsup:

Re: Thanks for a great time

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:42 pm
by Kurt (Indiana)
bellatear wrote:We all truly enjoyed our stay at Fish Creek! Each year we find it harder and harder to leave, despite the fact we were there for 10 days we still wanted more! We all truly enjoyed ourselves, thanks to everybody for joining us for our evening campfires it sure made our life easier and Laura espeically enjoyed her nightly party! Dave thank you very much for Lauras boat ride and starting this whole big party! We really appreciate, in the past 4 years we have made great friends and had great times soo until the next time, Happy Camping! See you around the campfire!

Mary,Tom & Laura

:applause: :campfire:

What an amazing time we had. I really enjoyed the hospitality of your site (s).

We are planning our trip next year as we speak.

The bug bites will be a momento of the trip, but the remedy will be more worthwhile. Any suggestions.?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:27 am
by toypusher
Did anybody take pictures??? :D

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:17 am
by Kurt (Indiana)
toypusher wrote:Did anybody take pictures??? :D

Kerry, I took some, but Dave took several (hundred) I'm sure.

I'll get some posted to night. :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:49 am
by toypusher
Kurt (Indiana) wrote: Kerry, I took some, but Dave took several (hundred) I'm sure.

But he has not posted yet!!!! :(

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:58 pm
by campadk
Wow! What a great weekend.. well more like 4-5 days for most of us. Another great sucess, and Kate and I would
like to thank all who made this event so much fun.

Fantastic turnout, no rain and the word has certainly spread! This year we ended up with 53 campers, 28 trailers, and
people from as far as Texas, Tennessee and even Hawaii!

Was great to meet old friends and lots of new ones! No doubt lots of us will see each other at other events we
are planning.

There were certainly a wide variety of trailers this year, and certainly some originals including Bob and Mary's
original 1946 modernistic, Norm and Jeans 'Icebox Refer' and John and Geri's Slumbercoach (just to name a few),
all on their maiden voyages if memory serves me right.

At first I was a bit disappointed the 'vintage theme night' wasn't going to be so popular, but low and behold we had
some campers that went all out and made it a fun time!

This year we also saw the raft of prizes grow with many contributors of some very very nice gifts! A special thanks
to all the generous givers!

Sorry about forgetting to get a group shot this year.. my BAD! No worry... I will be 'photoshopping' a replacement
in short order. PS.. I won't forget next year!

Lots of ideas have been flowing in for next year so be sure to book your sites early for next year! We were a bit
spread out this year, so hopefully we can tighten the group up for next year so Chuck and Barb don't have to
drive to the pot luck :lol:

I'm still processing the 875 photos I took, but will have the album put togehter shortly. For now here are a
few fun shots from the TearUp...

Canucks saluting the American Flag


The Icebox Refer (ok so Norm is still working on the name)


Diane practices a funky move for 'So You Think You Can Dance'


Bob and Mary's Original 1946 Modernistic


Damage from the fierce microburst that blew down 80 trees at Fish Creek and devistated the nearby resort 'THe Point' seen here


Tom and Mary's 'pup' was so relaxed at the TearUp!


Kurt - The most Photogenic camper at Fish Creek as Always!


Love is in the air at the TearUp!


Laura is our first customer at the Tiki Bar!


The campers when on as far as the eye could see






Vintage guys, gals and trailers


The Chick Magnet is back again!


I told you Kurt was photogenic...


Elaine is from Woodstock.. blending right in with these Hippies!


Vintage Finalists.. and yes that is RAY IN AN APRON :applause:


Great Prizes! You can even win a sexy fish net outfit!


More Prizes.. soft ones!


Games prizes for those who wish to forget the blackflies and no-see-ems


A fabulous grand prize!


Pillow winners...


The Unofficial TearUp 2008 Group Shot... er.. missing the campers :oops:


There were fish to be caught (Mark)


Laura has a blast in the boat!


Another post-pot pot luck


A near full moon...


The Slumber Coach and campfire abids you adoo...


PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:12 pm
by Kurt (Indiana)
Great pictures Dave. As always, you capture the moment and the fun in your camera.

Counting the days 'til next year. :thumbsup: :applause:

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:51 pm
by Rick Sheerin
Great pictures Dave!!! Can't wait to see all of them. :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:30 pm
by toypusher

Great pics!! :applause: Glad somebody finally posted some pics. I know, I should have been there to take my own, but hopefully we will be back next year!!! :D

love it

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:56 pm
by mary and bob
you took some great pictures, love the one of our teardrop, better than what I took, you certianley can caputer great moments. sign me up for next year fro sure, same site, same place same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:
mary and bob


PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:59 pm
by mary and bob
check out my spelling, and no I'm not drinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mary :thumbdown:

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:24 pm
by campadk
Just watching some of the video. I have 50 high def video clips... I'll do some editting and post these in the near future.