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Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:50 pm
by Mrs Rayvillian
Gary and I will be making our regular Mountain Man Breakfast and Home made cinnamon rolls.Thanks for the coffee and rolls Cindy. Anyone that can help with breakfast .... biscuits and gravy .... fruit .. will be appreciate it. Can't believe only week away. We are planning on being there on Thursday. Hopefully rain will stop. Since 1st of October have had over 10 inches of rain. Hopefully stops today so Royals can get back to playing ball and win the world series! Trudy

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:33 pm
by planovet
Loader wrote:Hey All,

Kerry and I have had a rough past few months, topped by an out of state family emergency this week. As a result we won't be in town for LCG. So it is with great regret that we will miss our first ever LCG. I won't canx the reservation, so the first night in site 41 is paid.

Hope you all have fun and be sure to post plenty of pix.

Earl & Kerry

Damn :(

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:25 pm
by reo-ron
All this chatter is really making me sad that I will not make LCG this year!!! :( I have another trip scheduled and paid for so I really can't change my plans, and it ends the same Sunday as LCG. :shock: Sooooo, you guys have a great time and I'll hopefully see ya at the next gathering. Oh, don't feel sorry for me - I'll be on the beach in the Dominican Republic for a week 8) 8)

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:18 pm
by razorback
So sorry about all the last minute cancellations. I always look forward to seeing the regular LCG crew. Hope all situations causing these cancellations disappear quickly. Ron, I am a little jealous of your reason for not making it....
With that said,
Who wants bacon!!!! I will have 8 to ten lbs available for the Saturday breakfast. Spinnernut bring you gallon jar for the BG!!!
Macy and I will arrive Friday late afternoon.

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:55 pm
by aggie79
aggie79 wrote:Well crap! I was "re-organized" out of a job today. So...I guess Linda and I are going to have to watch our money and won't be able to make LCG. Have fun y'all.

aggie79 wrote:If anyone wants site #61, it's available. I believe I even prepaid it for Thursday-Sunday. If so, you can have it for free. PM and I'll make the call to have it transferred.

Well, change us from "no show" to "definite maybe." I'm going to call the park tomorrow. If I paid for the campsite in full, then we may spend the gas money, head to LCG, and resume the job search after the gathering.

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:27 pm
by honeask
That's good to hear, was looking forward to seeing the few we kinda know. Hope y'all make it.

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:52 pm
by 2bits
Tom, I know what you mean, I don't remember if I did the deposit of paid the whole shebang! If you are paid for then it is worth the expense to drive and have a relaxing weekend that is already paid for!! You are not obligated to stress while you are in transition! I hope to see you brother!

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:24 am
by tonyj
aggie79 wrote:
aggie79 wrote:Well crap! I was "re-organized" out of a job today. So...I guess Linda and I are going to have to watch our money and won't be able to make LCG. Have fun y'all.

aggie79 wrote:If anyone wants site #61, it's available. I believe I even prepaid it for Thursday-Sunday. If so, you can have it for free. PM and I'll make the call to have it transferred.

Well, change us from "no show" to "definite maybe." I'm going to call the park tomorrow. If I paid for the campsite in full, then we may spend the gas money, head to LCG, and resume the job search after the gathering.

I'll throw in a couple of free margaritas. Might as well put the real world on hold for a couple of days.

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:59 am
by capnTelescope
tonyj wrote:I'll throw in a couple of free margaritas.

I'll bring along extra beer. We'll all be glad to help keep your "bar" bill low, I'm sure.

Is there really such a thing as "extra beer?" :NC

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:22 am
by Nobody
Things have been happening in our life that may or may not be good. We're both kinda under the weather, & yesterday some kind of spider or insect apparently bit me on the little finger of my right hand. It began itching & swelling before dark & today is swollen, skin feels tight & rough, & is very sensitive to touch (almost as if it's been burnt or scalded??). Don't remember anything happening to it but something obviously did. Anyway it's bad enough I can hardly use the hand; typing & using the mouse is a real pain [literally]. Have a cardiology appt this morning; I'll see the Doc for my finger afterward. Lenora is feeling 'punky', & for her to actually complain is very unusual so I'm gettin' her to the Doc also. She suffers from Glaucoma & eye pressure was up at her last check so the Doc put her on some new medication & is checking her frequently to see if it works better than the previous med did.

All the above is prelude to saying chances are pretty good that we won't make LCG this year. Not definite yet but lookin' that way. Hate to miss the festivities & friends we've known as long as we've had the gathering, & meeting new friends. Also, I promised Thomas I'd bring 5#'s of chicken breasts for the Gumbo. Hate to let y'all down but things have a way of happening... :NC

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:16 am
by 2bits
Harvey, I am so sorry to hear about what appears to be a brown recluse bite, I've had three other people experience this in recent weeks. I am glad you are getting it looked at, I wish you and Lenora both the best!!!

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:26 pm
by planovet
razorback wrote:Who wants bacon!!!!


Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:38 pm
by CogliettisInACan
The other half of the Coglietti's is Amanda and we will have a minion with us named Jude :)

2bits wrote:Hey guys, just a Roster recap since we are exactly three weeks away!! :twisted:

#16 - CogliettisInACan - Cogliett? and Nick
#20 - backwoodsman - Greg & Phyllis
#21 - Jeff & Micki –mechmagcn
#22 - Ray and Cheryl - La_Zombiez
#24 - Harvey - Nobody
#26 - Ruthie
#28 - Thomas - 2bits
#29 - t_strain
#30 - Juneaudave
#31 - snakeinthegrass - Tom and Sarah
#34 - Pam & Bob Bertrand
#35 - Danny – Spinnernut
#36 - TonyJ
#37 - Dave& Joann – coyote
#38 - 40 Madjack and Party Site
#39 - Brad – capnTelescope
#41 - Earl & Kerry - Loader
#42 - Steve - Sonetpro
#44 - Pat and Rhonda - Adhorana
#46 - Jeff - WarPony
#48 - Mark & Cindi - planovet
#49 - Scott and Gerri -Highlander
#50 - Eddie & Anna Pounds
#51 - Kenny and Julie - hikrynut
#54 - Honeask- Sandy and Billy
#55 - Starleen2 - Scott Stewart and family
#56 - James and Malinda Worley
#58 - Ray and Trudy - Rayvillian
#60 - razorback - Macy and Larry
#62 - professor.smith
#? - RandyG

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:51 pm
by CogliettisInACan
Mrs Rayvillian wrote:Gary and I will be making our regular Mountain Man Breakfast and Home made cinnamon rolls.Thanks for the coffee and rolls Cindy. Anyone that can help with breakfast .... biscuits and gravy .... fruit .. will be appreciate it. Can't believe only week away. We are planning on being there on Thursday. Hopefully rain will stop. Since 1st of October have had over 10 inches of rain. Hopefully stops today so Royals can get back to playing ball and win the world series! Trudy

We'll bring some fruit and maybe homemade jam if I can get my husband to share. Want to sign to bring for the gumbo but I'm unsure what time we will be there on Friday right now.

Re: LCG lX

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:58 pm
by Cindy
Dave, Ralfy and I got site 43.