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WTB - Old Salvage Popup

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:46 pm
by Jimbo
Well, I am looking for a trashed or salvage popup that I can use as the foundation for a project. Would like to have a box 6'x8' or 6'x10'. Interior/exterior can be trashed as long as I can get it home (towing) to Ashland, KY. Willing to pay up to $200.00. I have a lead on a freebie but won't know until later this month. Thought I would go ahead and post here to start getting the word out in case my freebie didn't pan out.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:56 pm
by tdthinker
That is what I am doing. My tear will be 6'8x10'4 on the outer dimensions. I live in Illinois but since we run a car dealership I will go out to the big lot to see if there is another somewhere. good luck, bye

Re: WTB - Old Salvage Popup

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:07 am
by Eric Adams
Jimbo wrote:Well, I am looking for a trashed or salvage popup that I can use as the foundation for a project. Would like to have a box 6'x8' or 6'x10'. Interior/exterior can be trashed as long as I can get it home (towing) to Ashland, KY. Willing to pay up to $200.00. I have a lead on a freebie but won't know until later this month. Thought I would go ahead and post here to start getting the word out in case my freebie didn't pan out.

Good to see a fellow KY boy here!!! :) I am in Western KY. We gotta get a group of local (KY, IL, TN, MS) people together next (this) year at LBL. :) Course my TD is in Construction mode... :)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:18 pm
by j_b317

Did you have more replies on your post than you can answer? I'm in Southeast Arknasas and I too am looking for a salvaged or trashed pop-up. I want a few of the parts for my td, and by brother wants a small (5X8) trailer to haul his motorcycle and riding mower on. I think a salvaged pop-up would be the perfect start!

Please let me know if you hear from anyone down my way.

