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PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:01 pm
by Betsey
TPMcGinty wrote:
What if we've never cooked in a dutch oven? What can we contribute to the dutch oven potluck?

Anything you would like! A fruit or veggie salad, appetizers, etc. Not everyone cooks with Dutch ovens. The DO class was the same day as one of the potlucks, so naturally, the emphasis for that evening's potluck was a variety of DO dishes.

Just check the sign-up board to see what others are bringing and go from there.

Betsey 8)

Dutch Ovens

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:59 pm
by Darrel&Joanne

Bring anything you like, it doesn't have to be cooked in a Dutch Oven. A pot luck supper with everything cooked in Dutch Oven would be kind of boring... Plus, lettuce wilts really badly in a Dutch Oven...
If you want to learn about Dutch Ovens there will be a Dutch Oven seminar of some kind at ITG3...

Or you can just ask anyone with a Dutch Oven... I have yet to meet a Dutch Oven cook who wasn't willing to show anyone who walked by, how a Dutch Oven works and how to cook in one...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:55 am
by George T.
Well said Darrell!

Thank you,

George T.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:02 am
by TPMcGinty
Thanks for the replies. I will be taking the dutch oven class/seminar. I did purchase one, but I'm afraid to try it due to my poor culinary skills. I guess I will stick with salad.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:20 pm
by robfisher
George T. wrote:Hiya Rob!

Any chance that you and the gang can make Minden? It's been way too long!

Hugs all the way around!

George T.

George, Minden is way up on our list but still somewhat unknown as to yes or no. We remain hopeful and are doing all within our power to be there. It's just a crazy year and will be a last minute dash out the door. I don't think I need to tell you how much we enjoy ITG.

Rob and Cynthia

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:22 pm
by George T.
Rob, we'll keep our fingers crossed. Would really love to see all of you [or any of you for that matter!].

George T.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:56 pm
by traveler
George, I will be traveling 7356 miles to go too ITG3, Long way to go to one of the best gatherings, but will be there this year. Don't want to miss the canoe ride down the street. :lol:
Bruce :)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:57 am
by George T.
OK Bruce.

I give. What is you projected route? I googled 7356 mile radius from Minden, NE and came up with a very strange route including Brackenfell, South Africa as well as Cocli, Panama via Marinette, Wisconsin. Which adds up to more than 7356 miles. :?

Water wings? Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?


PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:36 pm
by Ratfinkster
Hey Bruce. We are already registerd for the gathering also. I googled LaPine, Oregon, just to see where it is. My wife and I are visiting our son the end of April in Portland.
Some of our plans include camping in the Olympia National Forest on the border of Washington and Oregon. My son's friends own a Yhurt up there and I hear the fishing is great. We have been to your fine state before and have to admit (even residing in God's country) that the Upper Northwest is indeed beautiful.

We'll have to chat at the ITG in June. Good luck with your trip.

Dennis & Faye

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:35 am
by GrundgeDog
So is anybody else scrambling to finish their teardrop before ITG3?!?!

I am almost done, but still need to get the door on, the trim done, figure out a sink, install a/c, etc...

I better get back to work !!!! ;) ;)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:45 pm
by bbarry
GrundgeDog wrote:So is anybody else scrambling to finish their teardrop before ITG3?!?!

I am almost done, but still need to get the door on, the trim done, figure out a sink, install a/c, etc...

I better get back to work !!!! ;) ;)

I'm further behind than you are...still need doors, hatch, aluminum exterior, cabinets, galley. I'm hoping to have the exterior done for ITG3, and finish the galley later...


PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:36 pm
by Aaron Coffee
I will once again be bringing my nephew and have come up with an idea to get him more interested in the museum. That is to have a scavanger hunt, I am working on a list of things to find in the museum, from the large and easy to spot(airplane)to the small and harder to spot(ballpoint pen). Have asked him to add to the list, but he doesn't quite understand and picks things he knows is there. He has one of the kids digital cameras and I bought him a memory card for it so he can take his own pictures. Just thought I'd throw that out there as an idea for others, bringing young ones.

A reminder and a favor.

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:18 pm
by George T.
Greetings from Colorado!

Wow! Down to about a month before ITG3 [June 18-21]. Where does the time go?

Don't forget. Pre-registration ends May 31. Just about 2 1/2 weeks from now...

I am looking forward to seeing everyone! We should have a good time.

I need a favor. I have some items that need to be picked up in St. Louis, Missouri and brought to Minden for ITG3. Space required will be just under 6 cubic feet [each item is about 12" X 12" X 10" and there are 6 of them]. Each item weighs just over 8lbs for a total of about 50lbs. If you think that you might be able to assist me with transportaion of these items, please send me a P.M. through the link at the bottom of this message.

Thanks! George T.

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 5:18 pm
by cs_whypt2
I am really excited about this gathering coming up. Do we know how many people are scheduled to go so far?
One other thing. I heard some rumbleings about bringing raffle prizes to give away. I am new to this, so could some one confirm this?
Thank you very much.
Looking forward to this!


PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:32 pm
by 48Rob
Hi Dianne!

I'm looking forward to meeting you, and the rest of the gang there!

I have a big box of goodies ready to go.
This is what was posted about raffle prizes,


George, I was wondering. Is it OK to bring a door prize that would be USEFUL to a person who has a Teardrop or does it have to be Teardrop related?


That's what it is all about. Have you found an item that works well for you when you camp? Considering using it as an item for a door prize for the exchange. We have had just about every conceivable item contributed during the last two ITG gatherings.

And if, during the door prize drawings, your neighbor receives a left handed wat-da-ya-call-it complete with GPS locator that you would like to have and that all you received was a vintage bottle of wine, it's OK to covet that wat-da-ya-call-it and ask them if they would like to trade. Who knows, they may be right handed and not really into wat-da-ya-call-it's, but, would love to sit down and enjoy a glass of wine....

You do not have to spend a certain amount on your donation, but let's try to keep the spending to $20 or less. And yes, it's OK to provide a hand-made item. We have seen some lovely handiwork from talented teardroppers! And remember, it's all in the spirit of teardropping and enjoying ourselves. It's not a competition.

As with last year, we are also planning to have donated items up for bid to help defray the cost of the gathering. We have several teardrop manufacturers that will be contributing items as well as items that I have contributed.

George T.