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PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 8:31 am
by dreadcptflint
Hinermad, I was able to find my strike anywhere matches at our local Fred Meyer (local grocery chain). If a store doesn't carry them near you then ask if they can order them for you.

As for firestarters, I watch Les Stroud's Survivorman on the Discovery Channel. Here is the link: Every show he starts a fire a different way. i.e. hand sanatizer, bullet's, rub two sticks, chocolate bar and soda can, etc.

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:00 am
by Joseph
Egg carton filled with sawdust & parafin. Also fatwood.


PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:45 pm
by Woodyperk6
Propane torch & match light charcoal. Works every time.

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 5:02 pm
by mandy
I have used flint or quartz and steel to make sparks on char cloth and grass blow on it untill it starts on fire. Char cloth is easy to make just get some cotton ( tee shirt) cut up to fit into a altoids tin. Make a fire and place the tin onto the coals the smokeyer the better or bake it in the oven untill all the cloth turns black. It catches fire really easy. another thing I have used is chared cotton or sissal (sp?) rope that works really good too.

I have also used a toilet paper roll stuck onto a stick soaked in Kerosene or citronella oil boy that thing makes at tiki torch look small. It will burn all night if you let it.

Have fun

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:15 pm
by sdtripper2
Fire from a 9 Volt Battery and Fine Steel Wool ~ technique

See Videos here Clicky

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:31 pm
by bobhenry
Hinermad wrote:[
By "self-strike" do you mean a strike-anywhere match? If so, where do you get them? I can't find them anywhere except online,


Found the strike anywhere matches be accident at the sportsman's warehouse last week . :D

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:45 am
by devigata
bobhenry wrote:
Hinermad wrote:[
By "self-strike" do you mean a strike-anywhere match? If so, where do you get them? I can't find them anywhere except online,


Found the strike anywhere matches be accident at the sportsman's warehouse last week . :D

You may also want to try looking at an Army/Navy store.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:23 pm
by Lesbest
A propane tank and a self lighting torch tip is the eaisiest, and finding 35mm film canister is getting harder. Digital cameras don't use them, ha, ha. :cry:
Ask your grandchildren what they are--soon they won't know.
With the sissyfacation of society soon we won't be able to get matches of any kind without a permit. No lighters, can't smoke, no pen knives-weapon, we are going to be able to have fire if lightning starts it- but California almost burned up because of that.

Sheese, the camping society is going to have to go underground, just so we can relax.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:17 pm
by GregB
Heh, heh, heh, brake fluid and trichlor or pool shock treatment. Takes a couple of minutes, but a half cupful will light up a 4' stack of firewood.

:shock: :o


PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:01 am
by Lucky489
I just pull a little gas out of the toyhauler fuel station. Have to rethink what I will do with the tear. May have to resort to actually building a fire correctly with small stuff.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:10 pm
by ChickenFoot
A good old road flare works well on damp wood. :twisted:

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:43 pm
by jeep_bluetj
And to think, I thought this thread was about finding a pyromaniac with loose morals, but with a quality performance.


PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:09 pm
by Hermit
tddriver wrote:Spread wax paper on a cookie sheet. Spread dryer lint on the wax paper, then pour melted paraffin or candle wax over that. When dry, break or cut into useful sized pieces. They store well, too. :thumbsup:
how well does that work?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:20 am
by EffieRover
Cotton lint off your socks; tissues. And a match.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:12 am
by jeepr
Kerosene. I keep the empty bottles from charcoal lighter fluid and re-fill them.