B Van Owner Learning About Foamies

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B Van Owner Learning About Foamies

Postby kstills » Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:41 am


I own a 1996 Airstream B190 that I've gutted and am in the process of rebuilding, and after literally hundreds of youtube videos I came across someone building cabinets out of XPS foam. Which immediately led me to foamies, which then led me here! I'm hoping I can get some insight into the pros and cons of using the XPS process which might lead me to using it in my build. As a side effort, I've long considered towing a trailer behind the van, so building a foamie utility trailer is not out of the question.

Thanks for a great resource, looking forward to getting your input on all things foam.
Teardrop Builder
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Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:23 am

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