Foamie J Squirell in Minnesota, Minneapolis

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Foamie J Squirell in Minnesota, Minneapolis

Postby J.Squirrel » Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:00 am

Hey everybody!
J the Squirrel here. I live in Minneapolis, MN. I've been looking at Teardrops, van conversions, etc for about 2 years now. I've found a lot of great ideas on this forum and want to join up. I'm a jack of all trades master of none. My goal for my first TD is to learn the skills to build my next ones properly, and take it camping this summer (probably and ambitious goal). I'm focused on making something cheap and quick, with a life of ~5 years.
I have some questions I hope y'all can answer before I jump too far in. So far I have a lot of progress into the design. I'm favoring an aerodynamic over a classic design. especially in the rear based closest to a new Cub. I'm going for a foamie hybrid with a canvas paint shell. I have to wire up a HF 8'x4' trailer and its good to go. I already installed a tow hitch on my toyota camry. I have plastic piano wire hinges and two 20x24 cargo doors.I'll post some pics soon

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Re: Foamie J Squirell in Minnesota, Minneapolis

Postby 39Ratrod » Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:25 am

Welcome! Can't wait to see some progress pics.
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Re: Foamie J Squirell in Minnesota, Minneapolis

Postby KennethW » Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:56 am

Sand the foam to get a good bond. Mount your light switches so you can use them laying down.
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