I have a perfectly good and useable Griswold griddle, that somehow got left in MN when I came south for the winter. So I've been on a quest to find one to use down here, but didn't want to spend a lot of money duplicating something I already own. I've been haunting the flea markets and yard sales for a month, but so far either they were in terrible condition or they were way over-priced. I finally stopped at one of the local antique shops, and found a booth that was loaded with CI. When I saw this beauty I was hooked! And the condition is wonderful! The seller was there doing inventory and he said he always cleans the CI well and seasons it so it's ready to go for the new owner. It's the first hammered CI Griswold I have come across, and it was whispering sweet nothings into my ear so of course I had to bring it home with me. (I'm one of those people who get emotionally attached to inanimate objects, which is why my house looks like an antique store.) This one will live with me in the camper and I'll gift the other one to one of my daughters.
Tonight it gets it's first workout, home-made tortillas for fajitas!