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Salesman Sample Info Request

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:27 pm
by Loader
I am looking for a little background on Griswold salesman samples. Over the past 6 months or so, I have run across a couple at varies prices, some have been labeled as samples, some labeled as child/toy cast iron.

Anyone have any info on these samples? Are they worth much? I like the look of the waffle maker sample I saw, however, don’t want to overpay for it either since it will most likely just sit as a display item (they were asking around $90).

Thanks for the info!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:49 pm
by ironhead
You have to be careful when people list things as Salesman Samples or toys as there a lot of reproductions out there unless you really know how to tell the difference between the two. Repos have really bad casting and not so clear lettering. Wish i could help you more but all I can suggest is to just use your best judgment and look for quality castings and clear lettering. Also some of these are worth quite a bit.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:31 am
by Steve Stephens
Though a lot of people call them samples 99% of the Griswold and other tiny pieces of iron cookware were made, sold, and cataloged as TOYS. There may be a very few actual salesman samples that you will probably never see. A few small pieces were just small sized cooking items such as the individual casseroles and the tiny corncob pan (also sold as a toy later on).

As ironhead said you have to be very careful and knowledgeable so you don't get sold a reproduction or fake. Those are very common with some sellers not knowing what they are and some misrepresenting them to make a buck. A lot of the fakes and repros come out of China these days but were also made many years ago in Taiwan and even in the USA.

The toy waffle iron you mention is probably a fake. Does it have wire coil handles on the irons? If not it's probably a fake. Only the early and very rare toy Griswold waffle irons have a round, turned wooden handle. A Griswold toy waffle iron would probably sell for over $500 so $80 tells me for almost certain it's a fake. On the other hand maybe there is a super deal just waiting for you to buy. But learn first how to tell real from unreal. The unreals are more common today than the reals.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:22 pm
by doitright
I got one of the wagner waffle irons. REPO it is And I know it. It is great for laughs. Thank goodness the seller only wanted $12.50. So I was lucky. When my wife gave it to me she relay thought she got a old toy one. But for the price she paid I just let it slide. I know she will never pay over $20.00 for anything at a yard sale so I am safe. Now if she paid $80.00 for it we would have to have a talk and lesson on old and repo.