by mezmo » Mon May 30, 2011 12:41 am
Hi S St. L,
Another possibility for interior stairs are "ship ladder stairs", with
alternating half treads. They allow for a very steep angle but large foot
support and a very small footprint.
You could even build it as two very narrow [looking at the stair treads
head-on] Japanese style stair chests side by side with their heights offset
to give the alternating half tread effect. You could then build in small
drawers of the varying depths of the tread face to the "back" of the ship
ladder stairs for storage to fit under all the treads. It' be a perfect combo
of storage and staircase with no wasted space.
Just use Google Images and put in "alternating tread stair". Ignore any
"thick" straight ladder style with the handrails - those are just a version
of a regular ladder. Look at the alternating tread designs for inspiration.
If you have a house - you have a hobby.