Enjoy the night!
I was hoping to get out this weekend, but the weather has already started pounding our desired destination. Maybe next week...?
I think we've all been there ...ish.
I build custom rifles for personal use and often sell off the original parts.
Shipment of barrels via UPS requires 'bending' the truth, as they closed their customer service counter here and the UPS Store is not allowed to handle firearm parts (not even stocks). (FedEx is an even worse situation, and USPS shipments always turn into empty boxes.)
It's the same thing, every time:
Millenial with pink and green hair, behind the counter: "What's in the box?"
Me: "High pressure steel tubing."
Occasionally, they get more nosy:
Pink/green: "For what?"
Me: "Testing aerodynamic and terminal impact performance of special non-ferrous alloys propelled by high pressure gas to speeds up to Mach five."
Pink/green: "Oh, sciency stuff! Must be pretty sensitive."
Me: "Yes. Please be careful with it."