Truck cap/Camper cap build

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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:41 pm

Took it out today for a test run. Had to do a dump run away, so this worked out well! Whatever movement between the cap and the cab made no noise. Barely a 1/2" space there that I did purposely. If there's a singular weak spot, it's the air catch on the front. Next test is to head into the woods and see how it does on a 2-track road.

Window covers were the next concern. What will they do? Only held on with velcro ya know.. :thinking: Stayed on with no detachment! :o Very happy! :)

That run gets me up to 55mph. Next run is ut on the highway and really give it a go! :twisted:

I don't use the hate, but extremely disliked how the hinge on the hatch was working out. So I'm trying another thought. I still have some of the rubber base and wanted to test SW's Extreme Bond primer. It's cheaper than the Pro-cryl I use on the canvas and states in bonds almost anything to almost anything.. we shall see. The cove base has a nice lip for a rain edge.. hope it works. I want the tented area over the tailgate!

Sewing machine issues have slowed down the tent build. Neither our machine nor my daughters seems strong enough. I'm going through too many needles. I bought a belt for the old Singer (which my wife can't believe I go to) and it comes in tomorrow. That machine has never failed me and runs at a speed I can handle. Love that machine!

Never made it to HD today for the plywood to finish the bed platform. I'll do that tomorrow. I'm so close to a trip and an overnight! :D
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby tony.latham » Sat Sep 21, 2019 3:44 pm

Took it out today for a test run.

Great piece of craftsmanship, RJ! :thumbsup:

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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Sun Sep 22, 2019 2:03 pm

Parts for the treadle sewing machine came it and got that working today. So happy to have the Beast up and working again! Seems I will require it's services real soon..

The cove base drip edge is just not bonding to the painted canvas.. Now with the Beast running, I'm back to making a prettier canvas cover for the hinge. I don't like adding any additional lines, yet this is required. So that means I still haven't picked my plywood for the bed..
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Mon Sep 23, 2019 1:06 pm

The push for the bed platform so we can start using!

I used the 5/4 stock I have around from my working days and made uptake two side supports to go over the wheel wells. With 54 stock I figured I'd have plenty of support spanning the wells with 5/8" BDX over it. Ya, that worked out fine. The floor of the truck (bed I mean) has been re-worked over the years due to rust and is no way near level. My thought here was to wrap with something and use spray foam to fill the gaps. The extra strips of canvas worked well for this! I wanted it to stick to the bed support, yet nt the bed so it can be removed as needed. The center support is something I need to come back to and add draw guides to. Since that went into the well of the bed, and not wanting to fill under that, I'll return to this. The excess foam and canvas will be removed when I remove all this from the truck bed.


Yes, one side is shorter, as is my wife. This was done so see could have a pee spot with going outside at night. Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My... :shock:
Really, no need for her to have to go through any discomfort while over-nighting. You know the statement.. Happy wife, happy day ;)

I still have edges and a bit of sanding and sealing to do, yet it can be camped in now! :D

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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Mon Sep 23, 2019 2:07 pm

Build note:

I love the way the windows worked out. I would have no fear of gong another 1/4' deeper with the rout for them. I hit the highway today to get my plywood and for 15 miles was over 75mph (don't report me.. it was a scientific experiment) without any issues! I think deeper would help the windward edge to allow rain to roll off. Leeward I doubt any would collect.. Currently I do believe I'm good. Time will tell.

The rear hatch has become a PITA.. The cove base is a great idea for a rain drip edge, but does not allow the paint/bond to dry. That I need to deal with. The bonding is caught between to non-beathable items.. Foam and rubber. No air to allow to dry.. Edges have caught nicely.. part of the issue.. I always knew some sort of gasket would have to go on the tailgate/hatch connection, yet have thought that would be mounted inside as not to show.

I have also strived to stay within the air-flow of the truck cab. Most of that comes from not really knowing how strong the topper would be. It has amazed me as to how strong it is (even though I'm not cured yet..). I would have no issues with building beyond the sides, yet would still think air-flow.

Just some thoughts as I proceed down this path of learning.
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby GPW » Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:17 am

(short Quote: ) “ It has amazed me as to how strong it is “ … :thumbsup: ;) :applause: Everybody says this !!!
Once you actually experience this personally , you can proceed with a new Confidence and creativity to build most anythng you want ( within reason) … :D
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:03 am

Woke last night to the sound of rain. First rain storm the topper has seen. Lasted a couple hours (I think) and nothing leaked! WHOA!

I parked the truck so the bed was fairly level (still a touch nose down) and opened the windows about an 1 1/2" (enough to get a good curl in the canvas) and the rain diverter (that dam piece of cove base that's been kicking my arss) I had pulled off.

I like!
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:34 pm

We didn't leave today so more progress on the basic's. Under platform storage.

Image Image

It's not as deep as the bed, yet didn't want to go beyond the tailgate. 4ft deep and plenty for what I think I want. Good forward progression! :)


Debated handles and went for finger holes. ! 3/8" and enough for two fingers to get in and pull.

Yes, everything still needs to be sealed.
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby featherliteCT1 » Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:29 pm

Looking real good! :applause:
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:08 am

It was good to get out for the day, celebrate my wife's birthday and do a foliage woods crawl. Even if it wasn't an overnight.
The destination was an old place we used to go to years back and I designed a route to keep us in the woods as much as possible even on the way there. 18 miles away, 3hrs to get there! Nice run!


Most of the run was Class 5 road with spots of Class 6 (minor rock crawling). Gave the truck and topper a good workout as we brushed through tight areas and bounced over rocks. Everything held together nicely! Even got in a stream crossing!


I found 4 or 5 spots we could have stayed in and pulled into 3 of them just for S&G's to see how it would work. I was looking for sites with a incline (opposite of using the trailer LOL) and that worked pretty nice as well. I used the bubble app on my phone, found the right spot on the console to set it and it matches the bed platform. So cool!

Here's the run: The blue line. The red one is next week and that's may two nights out!


Time to get real serious about the tented area and the rain edge over the hatch! Yet it's good to be at this point where we can use it as is!
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby GPW » Fri Sep 27, 2019 4:51 am

:thumbsup: 8) :applause:
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Fri Sep 27, 2019 2:11 pm

Have struggled with the hinge and tent mode for a while now. I finally resolved to the tent needs to be outside the topper. The piece of plywood I inserted above the hatch opening was a two fold reason. Figured I may want additional support there and the possibility of adding a fly later on. So happy I did so! Decision was to go with a keder rail and attach the tent to that. The best source I have found so far is Sailrite, but that's a week so so to get. I made a keder out of PVC tubing for now.


I made up a fly last year to fit the keder on my commercial trailer and thought I'd try fitting and see how it goes.


Fits the rail nicely.. now what to do for the balance of it without cutting.. I still want the fly!


You can't see the carabiner I have hooked into the wheel well, nor the bungee it's clipped to. Yet that works. I used magnets for now to see how I could possibly fold and make it work. I can see a way. By stitching in a few well placed pieces of velcro, I see a possibility! If I can leave the fly whole, then it opens up the use as a fly poled and staked out.

Entry point and sealing from inside is now to be worked out...
Last edited by RJ Howell on Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Fri Sep 27, 2019 3:53 pm

Running through folds and seeing what can happen. I like this.


Yet like this better.


Both give me entry and a way to seal up from inside. Getting closer!

Builder Note: Don't hesitate from adding plywood anywhere! If I had along the sides of the hatch, I'd be able to mount a keder rail there! I also should have done this on the sides. Would have allowed for yet another keder rail.. Live and learn!
Also, I went curved on the top rail thinking rail diversion, not required. I may go straight now and get to the outside edge and remove some of those winkles.
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:42 am

A few more variations of folds and mount points and I can see how it can work well. I'll mount something on the bumper as a catch and work the hatch supports so I can switch to fly mode easily. Ends up my Fly is two inches too short on the ends, so I'm back to making the tent again. Kinda like using the Nylon ripstop as it's easier to fold and store away. May just buy some material..

I bought the 90" keder rail from Sailrite. I like the way it's working and want the rail beyond the hatch and curved downward. Best pricing I could find..

Few other chores to do today, yet hope to pull the bed platform out and sand/seal it today as well. Well, maybe the first coat anyway.
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Re: Truck cap/Camper cap build

Postby RJ Howell » Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:22 pm

Ran through Joann Fabric today due to the sale. That Duck Cloth they have is wonderful! What a difference from the HF canvas. :shock:

OMG is that stuff nice! Think early on buying your covering (wish I had). For $1 more a yard, it's amazingly better! The sale was 50% off!!
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