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Can I do this in foam?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 11:16 am
by Gator417
"A couple years ago I purchased an Aerostar (E4WD) for a camper project. PO insulated it, installed some solar panels and an inverter and used it for camping until he blew a head gasket.
My plan was to fix it, tweak it a bit and do the same until it got smashed by a tree. From the doors forward is still fine but the cargo area got hit pretty bad.
I think maybe I can cut the rear out and convert it to a mini-RV. Has anybody here done this? I'm not even sure which area to look for info about it."

I posted this in GD, twice apparently, but haven't gotten any feedback. I'd super like to do this in foam/pmf to save weight and make it more durable and rot resistant etc. Any similar projects I can borrow some ideas from? I have a lot of it semi-built in my head but I'm not sure where to start.
Thank you,

Re: Can I do this in foam?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 6:10 pm
by ghcoe
You can check out this thread. I think it is pretty close to what you would be doing.


Re: Can I do this in foam?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 8:33 pm
by saywhatthat
you'd be surprised what a few pictures would do for you :pictures:

Re: Can I do this in foam?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:25 am
by RJ Howell
I had the same questions as I designed my Truck Camper. 168576

I thought of doing a sort of SIP but didn't want the plywood skins and couldn't get enough info on just using fiberglass as the skin. I see a few folks doing it now. I like what I'm seeing, but.. not totally convinced... yet.

I ended up doing a Skelton frame, but I also have a full length/width lift top and the over-cab loft. If I had built solid to the cab & full height (no lift) I would have gone for it. My lift roof is just fiberglassed XPS (with one strut made of the same) and found I need more. Here in the Nor'East we get snow and I got caught in a storm and it concaved, didn't break though.
I will be testing a another way to build it basically inserting a vertical rib in a rout every 16". Thinking now of using FRP material I have around.

In all, yes I say it can be done. The process needs to be worked through, then do it on or off the vehicle and install. Being a van.. and being a big fan of lift-tops.. you ever thinking of popping the top instead of building it tall?

Best of on your project!