The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:11 am

yesterday was kinda cool and windy. today is still a bit breezy and should be a high of about 30. Normal is about 40 this time of year. The forecast is for temps in 20s for the next week at least.

We had a real quite Christmas. Hope you all had a great one. :)
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:34 am

We received 12 to 14" of snow yesterday. Christmas day wasn't the best for most people. Overall it wasn't horrible for us. We had to drive an hour south.. to our niece's place, but we left early enough.. the driving wasn't too bad.. and there wasn't much traffic. The storm was a quick hit and run.. and when we left later afternoon, to head to my mom's.. it was starting to clear.

The not so good.. we got stuck in our driveway... The snow was fairly dense.. and our driveway is rather tough.. and we didn't make it. :(

We shoveled.. and I used the tractor to snowplow the a bit of the driveway. It was pretty out.. but I was exhausted. I haven't slept great in a few nights.. and yesterday was a LONG day...

Laurie is off today.. and we will work on more snow clean up..

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:39 am

Cold here - 7 with real feel of -2 this morning. Going to stay cold for at least for the next week. Average temps here are highs of 40 and lows of low 20s
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:00 am

We had 15 below this morning. It's not supposed to warm up much.. and it is supposed to get quite windy... it is already fairly breezy already.

My van won't start.. it has been acting semi weird lately.. the battery is pretty dead.

I am not really used to these temps yet.. so it is pretty painful out there.

I sort of have been thinking about doing some grooming.. but brrr... a bike ride.. but the trails are so so here.. and I can't drive anywhere..

I was going to see about a battery today.. but Laurie is taking tomorrow off.. and it will be easier with an extra vehicle on hand.

I was going to do some other errands.. but they can wait.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:14 pm

We did some exploration on the van.. and Laurie called the dealer back.. It is still fully covered under warranty..[by about 3 months] including towing to the dealership. They don't have a battery in stock.. and have to use a mopar battery vs a local parts supplier battery. I am not sure how much longer that will take... and of course the holiday weekend will delay things... but it will get checked out.. is there something else wrong?.. or if it is the battery as suspected.. did something else wrong cause it.

This way I also don't have to try and replace the battery.. outside.. in below zero temps.. or pay for it [they say it's an expensive one].

It wasn't that long a wait for the tow.. not that it was as big a deal with it and us at home. Of course the wrecker couldn't get up our driveway at first... and then the the van was parked with the back end facing out.. not ideal for him.

He did finally make it up the driveway.. and with my help he got it loaded. He did ask if he could try jump starting it first... and didn't want to offend.. but asked.. if I was stepping on the brake pedal.. etc.. the various things while we tried to start it. It didn't start of course and it is now at the dealers.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Fri Dec 29, 2017 3:29 pm

:cry: :cry: We took Laurie's van out for some errands today.. It trips a dash light.. saying the charging system isn't working. :o Oooh that's not good. She calls the dealer and they say it sounds like the alternator. If the alternator isn't working.. we don't have long.. so head directly to the dealer.. they are of course busy.. but Laurie pleads.. that our other vehicle is also at the dealer. They say they will fit us in.. but it could take a few hours..

We get there we hang a little bit .. but then Laurie calls her sister.. and she came to get us and take us out to lunch. We shortly got a call that it was just the battery. The alternator and starter and such test out ok. The battery had seemed to be working ok.. but it is 7 plus years old. It was ready for us when we got back.. so back to our errands.. the dealer for my van was on the way.. so we stop to see if they have any news on that.. and that is ready!! :o

They found a blown fuze, but everything else test ok. They are not sure what caused the fuze to blow.. but in this weather who knows?? I am not sure if I have a weird intermittent problem.. or what.. all we can do is wait and see at this point. :worship:

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Sun Dec 31, 2017 8:50 am

You seem to have pretty bad luck with vehicles! Hope you get them all squared away and have no more problems.

We got 3 or 4 inches of snow yesterday, but it is sunny this morning. Was only 9 degrees at 7, but up to 13 or so now! :)
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:30 am

toypusher wrote:You seem to have pretty bad luck with vehicles! Hope you get them all squared away and have no more problems.

We got 3 or 4 inches of snow yesterday, but it is sunny this morning. Was only 9 degrees at 7, but up to 13 or so now! :)

My van.. I don't know... Laurie's van the battery was 7 plus years old. My tractor's battery is 15 plus years old. So two out of the 3.. :shrug:

We have also been rather cold.. 20-30 below [actual temps] for some time now. EVERYBODY [well most everybody].. is having some troubles. On the way to the dealer for Laurie's van.. we passed 6 semi trucks.. froze up on the side of the road. Laurie's dealer had just gone through 60 new batteries for people.. and were making a mad dash to go pick up more.

It doesn't look like we are warming up anytime soon either... :cry: In the extended forecast.. they say next Wednesday.. won't be AS cold... they list our expected high that day at 7 below.... :? but then we return to colder weather.

In these temps it doesn't leave me wanting to do much outside.. unless I have to.. We are hoping to do our ride tonight... and we have been invited to a trail ride tomorrow. :snow

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:43 am

Yeah, I left my 4-wheeler out last night and it will not start today. Not the battery though, just think it is too cold for the starter. Just get loud click. Anyway, I managed to push it out into the sun and hope it thaws enough to start after a while. Although it is only 11 and real feel of 2.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:14 pm

Happy New Year!!


Kerry.. I hope you got your 4 wheeler started.

We have continued to be cold.. 20 something to 30 below come morning.. and getting up near zero... for our daily highs. [either side of zero.. I think we hit 2 today]

We had a great dinner and get together with friends New Years Eve.. a regular for us. This always gets done by 11:00 or so anyways.. we then head home to get ready and head out for our ride. For a few years now we have heade out for a bike ride. We make sure to get out a bit before Midnight... so that we are riding when the new year arrives. For years.. we have lucked out with decent weather. Well last year we had a bit of snow, but the temps were relatively mild. Not so this year... It a wee bit chilly. It was supposed to be rather windy.. thankfully that wasn't bad. We dressed and headed out riding up the road.. trying to "feel out".. how far we want to ride. We passed one of the snowmobile trails.. and it looked groomed really well.. so we tried that. The conditions were really pretty good. We were out for only about an hour. Laurie was starting to get a little cold.. or nervous about getting cold, and her bike was froze up.. so it would not shift. We did have plans to ride with Dick and Jane at 9:30.. so heading back home and to bed wasn't a horrible idea.

We had 18 below zero.. when we got back home. [real feel.. not counting the wind] This is the coldest we have ridden in a few years. It wan't horrible.

It was tough to get up this and get ready. I was looking forward to a nice trail ride this morning.. but I had tire problems. Early on I stopped to pump my rear tire. Then the front is too soft.. then the rear is getting soft again already. In the temps we had.. I didn't want to keep messing with it.. it was a hassle.. and not so safe in the conditions.

I let them continue.. and I turned back. Back at Dick's I used the floor pump to pump the tires fairly hard.. and worked to seat the bead etc.. and thought I would try his local trails.. and by the time I got back to his driveway.. they were low again. I did a few repeats of this.. before calling it quits.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:20 pm

Yeah, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :wine: :P

I did get it going again. Had to push it back into the garage and let it warm up. It stays between 50 and 60 in my garage. So, after about 3 hours, it fired right up again. Not sure, but think it might be a relay that does not like the cold.

It was -9 here this morning. High was about 17 today, but mostly sunny at least.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:05 pm

I was going to do errands today.. and my van is still acting up... doing the same thing it did before. I turn the key to activate the glow plugs.. wait for the light to go out.. then turn the key further to start... and nothing.. It doesn't even try to start. After a bit of time.. and repeated trying.. it does work.. and the engine turns over.. but now.. It doesn't even start when I do this. After a few attempts at that... I had to put the charger on it. I also wanted to try and heat it up. I put some halogen work lights under the van and after some time... it did start. [I have no idea if the light helped at all] It was close to Laurie coming home for lunch.. so I left it running.. then after lunch brought it to the dealer while it was running.

I then had Laurie drop me off at the shop so I could fix my tires. I decided to give up on tubeless with these tires.. and we didn't have tubes at the shop.. We had one.. and a used one with a hole in it. As many fat bikes we sell.... we don't have more tubes?? :? I patched the tube.. and I have a spare at home that needs to be fixed also...

So another day of not getting much done.. :(

We are supposed to warm up some Thursday.. and with that.. a storm.. snow... and strongish winds... and we are supposed to get cold again after.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:06 am

Yeah, mid 20s today and tomorrow, then mid teens for Friday and Saturday with wind. They say the wind chill will be double digits in the negative for Friday and Saturday. But Monday a high of 37 with rain/snow/wintry mix. Then mid 30s for next Tuesday. Crazy weather considering the average high here is upper 30s or lower 40s this time of year. Oh, yeah and it was -9 this morning. Up to 4 now. :D
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:21 pm

We only had 13 below zero this morning... a heat wave.. :wakka wakka: :lol:

They are currently saying 10" to 16" of snow for our area.. and 50 mph winds. Worse down east. We got a propane delivery today. :D They are usually later in the winter.. and them getting in the driveway can be a pain [sometimes they can't make it] I was not expecting them so they had to walk through snow to get to the tank. [maybe 15 feet] I was just thinking about making sure I had sand on hand and snowplowing a path.

Because of the cold.. we have used the propane heater in the bedroom some, but I was worried about using too much and running out. So this works out great. :)

People have been having trouble getting heating oil deliveries. The companies can't keep up. I know many people that are running on fumes.. some hauling it them selves with 5 gallon can's :o

I was thinking of heading out for a bike ride.. to get on the trails while the snow is good. It will take some time for them to be rideable again after this next snow.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:38 pm

Having fuel on hand is a good thing! We just had a fuel oil delivery yesterday, so hopefully we will not need anymore again for a few months.
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