Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Canvas covered foamies (Thrifty Alternatives...)

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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby LostCajun » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:33 pm

GPW wrote:LC, in the beginning we only had one little thread , we had a lot to say ( along with others who had a lot to say ) and it all got out of hand before we had a chance to move anywhere else …It was really started as a way of waterproofing wood …. a common problem with a LOT of trailers … water and wood … :frightened: Not required reading but a History about how this all got started here…

And just to say , in the beginning some people were forcefully insistent that it would NOT work and the whole thing would fly apart at highway speeds … They created a lot of Trouble and tried to ruin everything we had going … Even got me in trouble when I offered a rebuttal … :o

Thank Goodness, we haven’t heard from any of them in years now … Foam construction now accepted after Foamie travelers have traveled many thousands of miles now ... :thumbsup: ( none ever blew up )
The very BEST thing for us is Foamies can Live OUTSIDE (uncovered) and yet do fine …. Mine was Built outside and has lived outside for over 5 years now … with no covering other than the outer skin … Recent renovations corrected original design flaws , now we should be good for many more years ... 8)

You’re doing Great !!! … Just keep planning , because the better you plan ahead , the better it will suit all your needs ... the building is really EASY …and lots of Fun, you don’t need a woodshop or exotic tools to make one … Don’t need a Mac Truck to tow one … :D All for FUN , Fun for All … :beer: some of what you said...

as an artist, and a musician...I bet 'you' get it....that 'we' all use more than 'one' part of our brains.....that is some of us.....maybe most of us.....even most likely all of us....its just that 'some' don't get it....and refuse to acknowledge that:

what is seen as pictorial is different than....
what is described in words....than...
what is heard, than.....
what is self written....than....
what is smelled......than even.....
what is touched.....or even....
what is tasted.....


if only one sense is used.....and used sparingly......sparsely.....not in short posts....minimal posts...with no differing ideas...with no pictures....and most 'color' (as in coloring of any of the senses).....its a dull world....

and that it is the combining of all of the above that adds color....and sparse color is like no color at how can that be accomplished with a little bit of Little Thrifty?

usually a forum and me are soon to part.....much evidence here.....lots of concise, precise idiots rule the world.....color my world.....please....

with Big Thrifty's for everything.....I thrive on other's ideas.....and seems there are plenty to found here.....I wouldn't look for 'me' to come up with anything new under the sun......but.....if you have ever contributed some idea on this forum or who knows where just might find something familiar in everything I am to do.

After skimming Big Thrifty a number or times....I decided that I would....should....and doing it.....go through the whole thing.....and jot down the ideas that I like....follow the evolution of ideas.....and weigh for myself when one idea is thrown away for a new one (will I follow with the choice?)....

Of course the planning is the time waster in most estimations of 'where did the time go' in most other situations.....the more time spent productively planning.....will result in a better mousetrap....five 'P's and all that....PODCC.....Planning Organizing Directing Coordinating Controlling.....its all about the Planning.....

Plan to succeed or Plan for something else.....a box of chocolates no just never know.....
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby LostCajun » Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:04 pm


As was said we all have something to bring to the table...

Here is an example of water damage....this is my home....I have lived in this RV for the last 6 years.....when I was given an expiration date of 5 to 7 years a little over 7 years ago.....with likely hood of very little mobility in most likely at most 2 years.....I even double, triple sourced this multiple times.....

So, I prepared my Big Trailer for the road for a Bucket List Tour....all the prep took place....the Tour made it to Fort Wilderness....Fort Fiends....had a blast....and then I parked it where it sits today....only made a few trips to Mayo Clinic....too expensive to tow when diesel was $4.....and too much work to set up and tear down....

that is my front wall.....that is what is left from delimitation from first 'heat' and then compounded with 'water'.....the rest of the trailer is suffering the same fate.....just not as bad....yet.....

The front, rear walls, and the slide out walls.....are wood studs, fiberglass batts, luan, covered with filon......disaster guaranteed.....proven....

The side walls....are filon covered luan sandwich over alum studs with 'white pebble' foam......again.....delamination in numerous spots wherever water intrusion has occurred.......

So......the choice to build with foam? Seemed to be a winner......the automobile industry seems to have given up on wood a long time ago, also....

Wood just seems to be the wrong thing to put on the road......or to park stationary for long periods....either way.....

Foam will allow me another shot at that Bucket List Tour.....again like before.....I have gathered all the 'stuff' is where the rubber will meet the road.....Look for a quick build.....
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby GPW » Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:23 am

We originally tried to make a trailer without wood at all and pretty much succeeded ( Foamie #1 ) But also we later found out wood can be waterproofed ,and it’s OK to use wood where water can never get to it ... ;)

It would seem that Trailer manufacturers care very little if your trailer lasts , or even design their products to FAIL quickly …That Dicor self leveling slop they call a sealant doesn’t last any time at all in our climate … Anything else works better … :duh:

And just saying , even building on a “price point “ ( Profit point) they could do a better job , but they just don’t care … After Katrina we found out who made good trailers … There were NONE !!! Some just lasting a few months longer than others … :thumbdown:
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby LostCajun » Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:46 am

Knowledge is painful....and good...

page 233 of Big Thrifty is in the Shwegmanns I there yet? too tired to calculate, whether I am halfway or not....its 6:55 am....somewhere in the neighborhood of halfway...

think I am leaning on making my own windows...and rear door....will pop the big bucks for a real attic fan with remote.....this will allow me to start the build in a small number of days.....I can calculate my openings to cut my foam, and install my hard points....then 'skin' my interior pieces....and get to assembling....the box...almost forgot the 'tub'...still working out some of the design on it...

thats today...after an the Big Thrifty...

what I did earlier today was work on my building area....I live in an RV on two lots that face the woods on the downward slope to a TVA lake.....I have a driveway that passes just on the edge of the woods across both lots.....across which, I have a metal A Frame Carport with true 8' legs...carport frame 20x24 covered with an oversized stretched tarp.....makes a nice pavilion....and workspace.....I spent a few hours today clearing out my last group of projects to make room to tackle the foamy....still have another day or two to get everything set up with a level build table under the tarp...I am kinda trailer 'heavy' right now....33' I live in....16' metal bass boat on a trailer, 6x12 box utility trailer(tool box).....and the 5x8 carryon for the foamy trailer.....

I have a couple of outbuildings too, a laundry room, Bait Shack and radio shack....and Hams reading this: KM4YEC....

Then living in this setup has a constant juggling act built in....between 'stuff' being on site....or at my storage unit.....always have to 'stage' stuff....

All figured in the planning....time to get a little nap....
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby LostCajun » Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:07 am

GPW wrote:We originally tried to make a trailer without wood at all and pretty much succeeded ( Foamie #1 ) But also we later found out wood can be waterproofed ,and it’s OK to use wood where water can never get to it ... ;)

It would seem that Trailer manufacturers care very little if your trailer lasts , or even design their products to FAIL quickly …That Dicor self leveling slop they call a sealant doesn’t last any time at all in our climate … Anything else works better … :duh:

And just saying , even building on a “price point “ ( Profit point) they could do a better job , but they just don’t care … After Katrina we found out who made good trailers … There were NONE !!! Some just lasting a few months longer than others … :thumbdown: everything 'he' said....

That said....we were posting at the same time....I was 'up' all night in the 'Thrift Shop'....

Hard to believe that my Keystone junk is a couple of months paid off....yes it is 12 years old....I had opened my front wall about 5 years was dry was mostly delaminated then.....but it was I closed it back up....

Really hard when life takes a shot at you when it does....when I returned from picking up my wife in 'Mandeville'.....yeah, have fun with her daughter's...when I rented the teardrop back in proof of concept that my little equinox could actually pull anything.....well when I returned to my RV that I have been living in for almost 7 years full time.....the moldly musty smell was so strong in my bedroom.....when I opened up the wall this time it was saturated....and I was only gone for a the air flow was cut off.....what made it last so long is that I have a full size dehumidifier that I am not afraid to I was keeping the moisture that was going into the walls.....from staying in there, by constantly drying them out....

Still....I think I will slap that foamy together first and then fix my front wall.....or maybe a day on one project and the next day on the other....

I have some of the two part table top epoxy and feeding tube syringes with tubing to inject into the side walls where delaminated.....

If I only had caulked the roof every week....or maybe every other day? I might be still okay....I should have slapped some eternabond up there....but I have been broke since I started living the 'high' life of put out to the farm retirement.....

But....still....I have been and still am grateful for having this pile of junk..
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby GPW » Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:08 am

Sounds like a pretty place to live … 8)
You know , we built the FS Outside in my driveway with only a cheap HF plastic tarp for the daily rains …
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby LostCajun » Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:39 am

GPW wrote:Sounds like a pretty place to live … 8)
You know , we built the FS Outside in my driveway with only a cheap HF plastic tarp for the daily rains …

It is, strange for a lousiana boy to look in any direction and see hills or mountains...

multiverse warming change or whatever is at work.....I should be able to post a pretty picture of all the leaves in almost full glory....but....incredously they are 'ALL' still green.....

It was summer a couple of days ago.....and we just skipped fall....tomorrow night is supposed to be down to 40 degrees...

I love my cover....often I wish for a house and a garage again, when it gets too strong....I go visit someone....anyone...thats why I am building my foamy....

I am literally falling apart...coming apart at the seams...I am pretty certain that I am finally where I thought I might be 5 years ago.....its build that camper now and get to use it for awhile....or its just another dream....of which I have quite a few....more than I can manage to take with I need a few more check offs...

I haven't been able to do anything I lost a good ten degrees over the last year as my tolerable outside temperature (hyperhydrosis....and not a mild Mayo Clinic terms: Impressive.....yeah) I was sweating outside got up to 80 max is lower than that....New Orleans is impossible for me.....need I tell you about camping with scouts at Fontainebleau in January some years back....alone in my tent, stripped down to shorts in the dead of night slapping mosquitoes and sweating buckets....

So, now the pattern in the forecast here is shifting from being too hot for me, two days now it looks like every two or three days a front and rain.....I have to clear out my pavilion so I have a nice big dry spot.

I learned quite a lot about tarps on those old shrimp boats....a man with a tarp....probably only needs a knife....
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby LostCajun » Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:15 am

Still building in my mind....

page 311 of Big Thrifty...
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby GPW » Thu Oct 18, 2018 6:04 am

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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby LostCajun » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:51 pm

page 402...

does Eagle Dare pop the bubbles....find the iron....or finish the second trailer?

I am totally confused at to what to use to put canvas to foam? seems just about anything works....just kidding....I know its up to me.....

GG can mean so many things....depending who and when they typed it....and how late it is when GG and GS look pretty much the same.....If I had a vote....I would say.....please don't use this abbreviation.....

Does GPW ever run out of trailers.....does he plan his cut lists to ALWAYS have at least one sheet left over to start the next one?

Does anyone ever actually do the 500 lbs of beer or 500 beers test?

I keep looking at page 472.....not the page...just to the footer to click on...I don't want to spoil it......but it hasn't there really must be an end it sight....

I had some of the wife's family in town yesterday....and we provided a tour that started in Gatlinburg, TN, went over the Smokies, provided some Elk watching, allowed a picture of a fly fisherman wading and fighting a domestic trout in the Cherokee Nation....then a planned sunset drive from the start of the Southernmost end of the Blue Ridge Parkway to view the start of the fall foliage (really late this year) just before sunset.....

Then it was Maggie Valley....and complete the circle by cheating and getting on I-40 for awhile.....then how to get back to Gatlinburg? How about skirting the foothills and skimming the Great Smoky Mountain National Park....

I had updated my Garmin the day before....just because.....I know the route I took today....its the one I do when someone comes to visit....

well.....the GPS must have shifted settings to the dreaded....always choose the shortest route.....(in other words....if I can save you 50 feet by taking a side road....then by all means route me off the number highway).....which my GPS did when it was late and we are in Bear Country....actually we were in Bear Country all day.....So my GPS decided to cut a corner and put me on this really winding road for about 3 miles....I caught it before I had actually completed the turn.....but since I could see on the map on the gps that I would shortly rejoin the highway.....I just went with the flow....about half way the front seat passenger says 'look' about the same time I saw.....the little black garbage can....scurrying up the hill....just at the side of the road as we had just rounded a turn......I am pretty sure it was a now.....the couple that we are driving around are all excited and exclaiming how nothing can top this....there one day tour is complete....its the best day of their week stay in Gatlinburg.....and they finally got to see a bear......

And then.....we are now approaching the intersection to rejoin the two lane numbered highway....and there two big black 'things' in the road in the left lane.....just feet from the highway.....I pull up within about twenty feet....switch the brights on....and back up about 50 feet.....while dialing 911.....

One of the black the front end of someone's car......and the other black definitely not a Cub.....but a Big Black Bear....and it is struggling.....trying to raise itself up.....or at least that is what I remember.....I seem to remember one upper arm about half stretched out.....and we could see the hot breath fog.....of which I am sure was going at 100 mph.....I only saw that movement once with the arm.....the body moved a little....and then no movement.....while I speaking with passenger said he heard the death rattle.....

We waited until two pickup trucks with some local firemen came on the scene and 911 said goodbye.....the Bear was long finished, still....and not seeing the hot fog breath.....

Not exactly the Bear story the tourists wanted....but they got to see two bears.

That intersection was only about 1000 feet from the start of a HUGE campground on the side of the highway.....the same side as the Bear....
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby LostCajun » Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:40 pm

so...after 472 pages...

I can....just not sure what I will do.....because there simply isn't enough time left to do it all...

I am glad I took the time to get to know you guys, see how some of this has flowed through years....time now to start assembling those pieces....I don't want to spend a year trying to read the rest of the forum....but, it is tempting....just when I think I have some ideas 'nailed' down.....I find another link, another image or something that gives me another idea or destroys my last idea....time to just build...

Just when I thought what I knew what I was going to do....maybe I don't want to use TB II to put my canvas on the foam?

I need to start those tests...I should be golden.....I have Gripper, Gorilla, TB II, and Great Stuff (although its probably 7 years old?) a whole bunch of other 'stuff'.

Time to make the donuts....
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby GPW » Sat Oct 20, 2018 6:12 am

Bears …. yes , we even had that discussion about how a Foamie was NOT Bear proof . ( or little else either …) I think we worked out the idea that almost No TD or TTT was going to be Bear Proof ... :frightened:

LC , Good Luck …. if you have any questions , just ask … ;)
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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby tomhawk » Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:49 am

GPW wrote:... I think we worked out the idea that almost No TD or TTT was going to be Bear Proof ...

I know it has been discussed here before but electric fences have a lot of promise. There are some nice battery powered ones available so boondocking is possible.

We were being plagued by raccoons in the vegetable garden so in despair I bought a $40 electric fence. What a difference! I easily recouped the investment in increased produce for this summer alone. Those raccoons don't even care to share. They want it all.

Bears are not for the fence I bought since this one gives a pretty mild shock; I don't want to injure the raccoons. Bears probably need more zap.

If you doubt the efficacy of this approach, check out this video about bears and electric fences:

I started to feel sorry for the bears.

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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby LostCajun » Sat Oct 20, 2018 12:39 pm

tomhawk wrote:
GPW wrote:... I think we worked out the idea that almost No TD or TTT was going to be Bear Proof ...

I know it has been discussed here before but electric fences have a lot of promise. There are some nice battery powered ones available so boondocking is possible.

We were being plagued by raccoons in the vegetable garden so in despair I bought a $40 electric fence. What a difference! I easily recouped the investment in increased produce for this summer alone. Those raccoons don't even care to share. They want it all.

Bears are not for the fence I bought since gives a pretty mild shock; I don't want to injure the raccoons. Bears probably need more zap.

If you doubt the efficacy of this approach, check out this video about bears and electric fences:

I started to feel sorry for the bears.



end Quote........

Its hard to not get into politics when politics are what causes problems...I can't drive home most nights without seeing 2 or 3 herds of deer....I have a few pictures that I took less than a mile from my place....on the side of a hill in a field next to a wood....after you count about 30 are still convinced that you missed a few.....I have a few (less of) the same kind of numbers of turkeys.....its the same with reading the writings of those who know nothing about how true wildlife management truly only works with the 'managing of the resource....i.e......somebody....somewhere....somehow....there is going to be some 'killing' of the some wildlife.....when guns and traps don't kill bears....well....there ya do.....or vegans who 'feed' the Yogi's and Boo Boo's.....kill the bears.....when they go home....and the bears keep coming back for handouts, and when there are none....they make some.....

I have wasted tons of animals at a single sitting.....many by catch.....while trawling for gives me pause.....does it tell me that all trawling must be 'stopped', I don't think so......but....there does need to be some common sense in the mix.....

Allowing areas that are frequented by man to be an obstacle course resembling a mine field of 'Large Dangerous Animals' doesn't stack up as common sense for me......rare sightings are preferred by me, instead of dodge the bear.... East TN have had numerous Bear issues in the news in the last month.....there was a Bear taking a jog thru Johnson City shopping area about a week or two ago on youtube and the local news.....and I believe we had at least two people disappear in the last month within about two miles of our car trip mentioned the deep woods.....not sure if found.....I don't follow the news anymore....I only catch a few glimpses.....

So, instead of trying to 'bear proof' our stuff....I think its our duty to ask for common sense management of the is actually the relatives who came here driving the problem.....they 'wanted' to see bears.....and they did.....I don't think they wanted to see them the way they did.....but....politicians are only too happy to give us what we don't need....especially when it creates problems that they can later solve....causing us more problems....

I think the 'cub' we saw.....was.....yes.....running from the scene of the accident.....and we were the first thing in the road it encountered....and when it saw my turn and ran up a hill into the now for the 'bleeding' hearts who want 'no' game with the orphaned cub from the car killing.....and maybe the cub was hit, too.....and maybe there was two cubs.....and the other is in worse shape.....nearby.....if that is the case.....pity that the cubs don't have mama to show them how to safely extract food from the campground.....


this might be a little closer to bear proof....go to about 3/4 of the video to see it....all set up....

Since I am going to be installing some Ham radios....I am going to need a ground plane.....might double up as an electric fence.....

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Re: Big Bare Essential - Foam Build

Postby LostCajun » Sat Oct 20, 2018 1:16 pm ... 1249496474

So, I know the bear thing....has mostly been in jest....

Maybe I should go ahead and plan for doesn't seem to be that random....

The above video of a bear running into a car is very near where we were when we encountered the bears mentioned above....probably within 10 miles....

I googled the news....the one above was in the last month....a bear opened a truck door in Gatlinburg....and near Cades Cove a Las Vegas man was partially eaten....not sure if dispatched by the bear.....

So.....the bear 'thing' is real....and one doesn't have to go to Alaska or Montana to take precautions.....

Back in 1974......I hunted deer and bear....on the Gulf Coast.....literally on the Coast.....I was stationed at Tyndall AFB (yeah, that one, that just got destroyed by the hurricane)......Tyndall is on a big barrier island......the east side was mostly wooded.....having remnants of the old live fire 'firing' range.....spent rounds everywhere......easy to pick up on the beach.....imagine P-51's or ThunderBolts....strafing the also was 'build it and blow it up area for the Air Force'.....walking thru the woods one would find 1/4 scale.....hardened aircraft shelters with pock marks on them'......also....during deer and 'BEAR' was a hunting area......of which I did.....

the only bear I saw there.....was a couple of them running across Highway 98.....which split the base longways the length of the island.....only tracks in the Charmin found.....


I am committed now.....BearProof....Foamy....
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