Not sure why folks pick a 6 foot or 7 foot wide over 8.5 width. For short trips a narrow trailer is not much different than a wider one. On a long trip a 16 ft trailer that is 7 foot wide has 112 square feet of floor space. A 8.5 wide X 16 long has 136 square feet of floor space. The difference of 24 square ft is a lot of real-estate. Our build was very open as we travel 6 to 8 months at a time. By having a 18 X 8.5 trailer at 153 sq.ft. instead of a 18 X 7 at 126 sq.ft we have a lot more room. I know most folks do not live for months in their trailers but that extra room is nice even for a couple of weeks. As far as down the highway the dimensions at the outside of the tires on a 7 foot box are basically the same as the tires on a 8.6 foot box. So trailer width is no issue. I would not like to haul either without a rear view camera. We would always pick the widest width for the length of trailer. Just wondering about your thoughts on this subject.
ris 8.5 X 18 build