What's funny is, that the polycarb glasses (which you'd think would be cheap), cost much more than the Bormoli wineglasses I buy from Costco for just over a $1 a glass. Yes, it's just camping, and I'm not looking for the 'legs', or to observe the pale straw color of my wine in the sunlight
... it is strictly a tactile thing, the weight of the glass and the feel of glass on my lips... just like the mug of coffee in the morning (which I like to be ceramic too).
I thought I would just put aside my own preferences for glass, and pick up some polycarb goblets at Target two weeks back, and my husband gave me THE LOOK... so I put them back.
I wouldn't be upset if I broke a glass, but I'd rather not have to clean up that mess when I'm unpacking (kind of spoils the excitement of setting up camp). I'm going to check out eBay now to see what a Skotch picnic tin is.
If I ever do come up with an ingenious (or downright stupid) way to store my glasses safely, I will let you know!
Thanks all of you for your suggestions (I will even consider drinking straight out of the bottle!).
Oh, and if someone wants to whip up some 3-D CAD rendering of a design for a wine glass holder that will fit in a Cubby, please be sure to pass it along!