20180827 092355 (Small)

20180827 092355 (Small)

Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:34 pm


Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:23 am
4.2 mm
1/492 Sec
Flash fired
Normal program
0 EV
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Posts: 16
Images: 25
Joined: Fri May 25, 2018 12:18 pm

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Here, I have finished the left side wall frame. The door will be on the left side, but I have built it all as one unit for now. I will cut out the parts of the top and bottom rail that are where the door is located after I have everything fastened in place. Notice that the front and rear uprights on the left side (right side of the photo) are different from the right. That is because I made a slight design change after building the right side. I realized that I won't have a surface to glue the skin to on the inside of the corners. I will just put additional blocks of wood in the corners, but for these two corners, I decided to put a 2x4 to cover for one side of the corner.

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