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Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:59 am
by deleted
Oh thanks Rob! :thumbsup:

I mixed up the color coding. :? That's good news. Will stay up till midnight then and see what happens.

Also edited my last comment to create less confusion.

Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:09 pm
by Zipline65
I am so glad that you raised your questions. I have been feeling the same sense of panic and frustration. And I appreciate that the seasoned CRA attendees have been so reassuring. I do plan on coming down a day or two early but wasn't planning on a week.

Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:02 pm
by 48Rob
To all,

My apologies if my post caused undue strain and stress. :oops:

I was simply voicing my opinion on information I read in a post.
It may have started with several misunderstandings about reservations, and correctly reading and understanding the system the park uses to show which sites are available, and which are reserved.

In all the years that we've been having/attending these events, I have never had any issue with getting a spot to attend.
Same goes for the vast majority of attendees.
The very few that have trouble getting a spot are the people who decide at the last minute to go, either because of procrastination, or simply not knowing about the event.
Even then, most who want to go can still get a spot, as there are always family emergencies, and other things that force some campers to have to cancel.
This of course opens up extra spots, and Kurt and Dan make every attempt to have them made available to the waiting list instead of just giving them back to the park.

There really is no need for anyone to panic or worry, Kurt and Dan spend a huge amount of time and effort to make these events as care free as possible, and succeed! :thumbsup:


Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:03 pm
by Kurt (Indiana)
Please don't misunderstand the subject. Many (if not all) of these reservations are for people actually coming in early. There were some that I wasn't sure about and that's why I posted the "cancel & re-book" post.

There are plenty of sites to go around and everyone (unless you try at the last minute) should get a good site for the gathering. Loop "A" has 100 sites available and Loop "B" has an additional 63 sites as well.

Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:17 pm
by bobhenry
People , people , people don't panic this is the biggest park in the Indiana system. There are 118 sites on the "A" side where the action is and another 63 still available for the "commuters" on side "B" ( bring your bike) The park has hosted 140 -150 of the Tearjerkers the last two gatherings with about 35 - 40 civilians slipping in. The pickings get lean quick but historically haven't dried up completely until about 2 months before the gathering. Book early and get the site of your choice or book later and take pot luck. Most of the major activity will occure near the center of campground "A" Looking forward to meeting all of you ! Bob

Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:27 pm
by deleted
Rob your comment isn't what threw me. No apologies needed here. I appreciate you and Verna taking the time to so kindly and patiently explain not to freak out! :oops: :)

Very much excited to attend. Will chill between now and the 23rd when I'm certain I'll be able to reserve a spot :thumbsup:

Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:38 am
by 48Rob

Better safe than sorry...

I look forward to meeting you, and all the new people!
As soon as you get there, you'll be part of the group and warmly accepted, it is going to be a great time! :applause:
Come a day or two early if you can, many do... It is a large park, and between looking at trailers, talking to people, hiking, biking, etc. there just isn't enough time .


Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:19 am
by Verna
Rob, that's why I wanted to come early this year. I didn't have time to enjoy the park itself in 2013.

And I certainly didn't have time to see everyone's teardrop or tiny travel trailer either. I'll try harder this year.

Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:49 pm
by Kurt (Indiana)
Verna, at the first CRA in 2011, I arrived a week early and had a chance to hike the trails and get down to the river level several times. Bike riding in the park is fun but there are lots of hills and valleys. I got a great workout that year.

It is a very scenic park and the Horse back riding, pool and visiting other campers made it a really fun time.

In 2013 I arrived only 4 days early and, once again, had time to relax and get ready for the gathering to start.

If there is any way to spend a few "early days" it's worth the time. This time I'm arriving a week early also.

This "being retired" isn't all bad.....Well.. is actually not bad at all....'s :awesome:

Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:12 pm
by 48Rob

As you know from our past history, I take every opportunity to get to the gatherings early as well.

The ability to spend a few days hiking and biking before the crowds come in and the "trailer" activities start is very relaxing.
So, as you might expect, I will be there "early" this time as well.
You can put me down on your map in #38


Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:36 pm
by Marty37984
I will be arriving on Saturday July 18,2015. I will be at site 62. Looking forward to seeing everyone as they arrive during the week. Kurt, I would be happy to help with set up, if you need assistance. I have absolutely no marketable skills, but am moderately trainable. :) I was only able to stay one night last year,but really enjoyed seeing folks from all over.


Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:23 pm
by Verna
Thanks, Kurt.. Yes, hiking the trails is what I really, really want to do. It just seems I never have time to do it. So, hopefully I can do it, but don't count on me being able to ride my bike up some of those hills! I'll try, but no guarantees.

And, don't forget, I plan on helping with the preparation. Just hollar, ask, leave me a note. I'll help....but I'm not the best at lifting those heavy picnic tables.

Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:55 am
by 1firefly
I have unusual question - the sites that have trees has anybody have problems with sap why I ask is my last camping trip where I camped the tree dripped sap on my teardrop and had a real hard time getting it off

Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:25 am
by 48Rob
Tree sap is a common problem in the summer.

If you look at the campground map, you can click on each campsite number to be provided a description (shade, sun, etc.) and also look at two photos of each campsite.
It may be of help in choosing one that is more open.


Re: Crossroads of America July 23-26, 2015

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:05 am
by Kurt (Indiana)
As of today we have 30 people registered for CRA 2015. We are off to a great start. :applause: