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Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:40 pm
by OuttaHand
Our cozy site with Little Tow all set up

Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:41 pm
by OuttaHand
LOTS of great food! This was Saturday dinner.

Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:44 pm
by OuttaHand
Beautiful walk on the beach early Sunday morning to catch the sunrise.

Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:57 pm
by OuttaHand
I forgot to answe your question: weather was mostly good - but cold.
Only rain we had was around 5:15 am Saturday morning. It was kind of sleety and didn't last long. Daytime temps did not reach 50 on Saturday with night time lows down to mid- to upper- 30's.

Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:25 pm
by TheWoodbot
Thank you all for your hospitality. Amy and I had a fantastic (albeit short) visit. The company, food, and trailers were all amazing. Our only regret is that we didn't get up there early enough to meet you all and check out your tears. We'll track you down.
Planning is in full swing and sawdust should be flying soon.

Re: Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:30 pm
by tjx
had a great time ... even though the weather was on the cool side ;) as expected with any CNTL gathering.
at least it didn't rain on us.

Nice to visit with everyone!

Thanks for all the hard work involved to organize the gathering, great job! :beer:
Tina & Jerry

Re: Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:30 pm
by OuttaHand
tjx wrote:Thanks for all the hard work involved to organize the gathering, great job!

I forgot to add this sentiment, as well. Thanks to the organizers who planned a terrific event; to the attendees who were all very hospitible; and to all who broght food -- It was absolutely fabulous dining!!! :wine:

Re: Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:12 pm
by Woodbutcher
A special thanks to Gary and Pat for their extra effort in getting the gathering going and seeing it run smoothly. The food and company was out standing. I am sorry Kathy for not taking any pictures. This has never happened before. I did not realize this till I was on my way home and saw the camera tucked between the seats. Hopefully there are some more pics to add to Kevon's.

Sorry I left early Sunday without saying goodbye to most of you. My wife broke her foot on Saturday so I wanted to get home early. We went to the Orthopedist today. Lisa has a fractured foot with tendon damage. The Doctor told Lisa to keep her foot elevated and the boot on for 4-6 weeks and come back in 2 weeks. The good news is no surgery for now. She can not drive for 4-6weeks either. I'll send an email to Joanne Fabrics letting them know she will not be around for awhile. :lol: I don't want them to come looking for her!

Re: Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:53 pm
by tjx
:lol: Oh Steve, that is a good one but you do realize she can order from them online, don't you?

Seriously, I'm glad Lisa doesn't require surgery at this point and hope her recovery goes smoothly.
I can just picture her propped at her sewing machine with her foot up. :thinking:


Re: Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:13 pm
by Woodbutcher
Thanks Tina I was just starting to relax, now I have to warn the postman too! She has claimed to start practicing running the machines with her left foot once she can get around some.

Re: Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:15 pm
by Gary and Cheri
Just getting home this afternoon after spending a day painting the ceiling of our up north property. It sure was a great weekend and to have three unexpected tears show up (putting us at 20) making our event just awesome. What a great way to start off the camping season.

As always the food was aincredible. Thanks Pat for your help in organizing that and thanks to all that attended for the great food you made.

Kevon and Annette (Outtahand) lead us to some great geocaches which was great fun for those that participated. I never knew about the large amount of indian mounds so close to the park.

Glad to see so many old friends and great to make a few new friends. I will again start a new thread for "Cooler by the Lake VII" in the coming new year so keep watching the midwest threads for information as the State of Wisconsin allows us to organize again.

Steve, good to hear that your wife is in as good of shape as a person with a broken foot can be. Tell her that if she is still planning on coming to see us in Galena that we will feed her really well. Should take at least a week off her recovery time.

And last thanks to the gods for their humor on Saturday and surrounding it with great weather. After all it is "Cooler by the Lake".


Re: Cooler Near the Lake VI

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:29 am
by BrwBier
Cooler near the lake VII. It might be time to start thinking about next year. I will start a separate thread so check it out.