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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:30 am
by bobhenry
WHO ME ! :roll:

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:42 am
by dougmill01
I'm planning on it Bob. And yes, I'll still be bringing the stash... (donuts)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:55 am
by bobhenry
O.K. I guess I will have to bring the
popsicles for our group photo ! :laughter:


long term forcast is showing 36 for the high and 19 for the low for our outing.

For you wishful thinkers the record high has been 64
and the record low has been -10 for all of you wanta be braggers

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:14 pm
by IndyTom
I think that my oldest and I are going to join you guys for at least Saturday night. We will be sleeping in the back of my Explorer. I have an easy up to contribute as well as a couple of dutch ovens. My youngest looked at me and said, "Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want to go on a camping trip where lot of old men freeze their royal Rastafarian nay nays off" so I assume he will not be joining us.

Is there a theme to the pot luck, I will bring anything necessary. My 12" oven it just right for cobbler for a crowd about this size.


PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:27 pm
by Verna
Sunny Day and I will be there Saturday. We'll just be visiting for the day so I can meet you guys and gals. And, to see your TD's and TTT's!!!

I promised BobHenry I would bring some dinner rolls for the meal. If you have any other requests for what you want me to contribute to the meal, just tell me.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:20 am
by bobhenry
Tommy tell that little "whipper snapper" ( in my best toddering old man voice) We are old enough and experienced enough to know how to avoid freezing our butts off. Also tell him I am personally gonna eat his cherry popsicle. Glad you are gonna make it. Talked with both BillyK and Jeff2 and weather permitting they are both going to join us. I will have white chilli at the ready for who ever is brave enought to try it for lunch Sat and intend to make a big D.O. full of very cheesy potatoes au grautin' for the pitch in Sat night. I already have the tiny trailer loaded to the roof with campin junk.

I will have a pickup rounded over with small pine cutoffs for fire wood from work. Yes it's all heat treated for bugs and completely legal to transfer into the park. We have ELEVEN MORE DAYS !

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:29 am
by bobhenry

I am bringing the toaster oven if your rolls will require it !

Nothin better than hand warmin' HOT ! hot rolls drippin with real butter !

Tell Sunny to bring his/her coat and if it get too cold he/she
is welcome to warm up in the trailer. Kinda reminds me of
"09" Sadie my Scottish Terrier came with us and after a
couple hours she had had enough. She kept taking her
nose and bumping me in the back of my leg. After 3 or
4 times I finally decided she really wanted something and
asked "what". She spun around and marched to the trailer
door and sat stareing at the door. I asked if she Wanted
in and she snapped to attention. I barely got the door open
and she launched inside. I went by about 15 minutes later
and peeked thru the window at her and she was happily
snuggled into the sleeping bag and sawing logs.

Lookin' forward to meeting you !

To all our other fellow campers.....

If any one else is looking for a day trip think about us
and stop by just to visit for a couple hours. Every year
we have had 3-5 visitors and it's kinda funny the next
year we find them camping with us !

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:31 pm
by Blotto Bros
Working like crazy to get it done for Shiveree!! Walls and roof insulated and 1st window in. Tomorrow the door and this weekend galley and electrical.



Ran a quick heater test and with the small ceramic heater it went from 35 to 78 in just under 30 minutes on the low setting. Should keep me alive.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:56 am
by bobhenry
Blotto : Don't sweat the electrical 2 extention cords and an adapter for the 30 amp outlet and you are golden. All you need to be is campable and safe. Don't rush the electrical in fact a campout is just what you need to round out your design. Where to put that light? Why didn't I put on a couple outside outlets? Why didn't I put a quad box here instead of a duplex. Believe me I have done ( and redone) it all. Really looking forward to meeting you and seeing your rig.

Blotto your heat test reminded me.......A note to those who have not cold weather camped before, if you will pre warm your trailer the night before your arrival you will be much more comfortable. By heating the unit and all the contents the day before the , bedding , walls and all will be warm and will require much less heat to warm up the day of the gathering.

Just an F.Y.I.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:06 am
by IndyTom
I gotta admit that the weather report is starting to worry me for sleeping in the back of my Explorer. 12° may be too cold for just a sleeping bag and blankets. If we don't do an overnight, we will definitely be there for the day on Saturday. It has been too long since I have seen you guys.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:37 am
by bobhenry
IndyTom wrote:I gotta admit that the weather report
is starting to worry me for sleeping in the back of my
Explorer. 12° may be too cold for just a sleeping bag
and blankets. If we don't do an overnight, we will definitely
be there for the day on Saturday. It has been too long
since I have seen you guys.


A note to all our campin' friends All of the day visitors are
most welcome we have even been known to feed the ones
we like. :lol: So take a nice relaxing drive and stop out and
see us.

Tommy ....Site rental is only $11.22 so with an electric
heater and a extention cord you are good to go.

Besides the 10 day forcast shows Friday at 36 for a high
and 27 for a low where did you find 12 degrees. Sounds
like you are fishing for an excuse :roll:

If ya want a trailer for the night just call me 765-538-2580
The barn is available ( and up for sale ).
If you would like to test drive it for the Shivaee you are
welcome to use it.



PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:10 pm
by Jst83
IndyTom wrote:I gotta admit that the weather report is starting to worry me for sleeping in the back of my Explorer. 12° may be too cold for just a sleeping bag and blankets. If we don't do an overnight, we will definitely be there for the day on Saturday. It has been too long since I have seen you guys.


I was thinking about pulling the seat's out of the van and putting the sleeping bag in the back. Having heated my camper to unable to sleep hot when it was -1 I figure if I ran a power cord through the front cracked window with the little heater rested on a board between the front seats I'd probably get pretty warm.

Hoping there's no troubles getting it out of the parents barn where it's been stashed :worship:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:05 am
by bobhenry
10 day Weather forcast for Marshall IN .......

:goodmorning: :icedtea: :campfire: :wine:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:27 pm
by Jst83
bobhenry wrote:10 day Weather forcast for Marshall IN .......

:goodmorning: :icedtea: :campfire: :wine:

With now snow in the forecast for here or there I should have no trouble getting the camper out :dancing I'm so ready.

Dan to answer your question from probably a page ago if you wanna try the scotch eggs that would be fine it'll give me a chance to come up with something new to deep fry again.
Might try Reuben Balls again, Bob if in your Good will travels you ever find a small small meatball maker grab it for me Image

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:52 pm
by prohandyman
How about a melon baller?