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across Indiana

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:09 pm
by bobhenry
Fellow Hoosiers in the Indy area we need help.


PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:40 pm
by bobhenry
Across Indiana TV interview update...

Have several small trailers and their owners willing to appear for a TV interview on Thursday 25th.

I will be contactig the producer Monday AM to pin down the location.

Please keep an eye on this thread and I will up date where the mock gathering TV interview will take place.

Our own mini " RV crazy " :thumbsup: tv segment

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:52 pm
by S. Heisley
Hey, BobHenry!

Don't forget to post :pictures: and a video, if you can! I doubt it'll be nationwide so, we'll probably have to watch on the forum.

Thanks :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:09 am
by bobhenry
Plan on getting a copy and getting one of the techies to help me post the video to the forum.

I contacted them today and explained we would need to have a film location pinned down by by Tuesday PM. So far we have 7 members who have stepped up to help by showing their rigs in the interviews.

This is a neat little show on PBS that highlight strange and wonderful often offbeat sights and talents of folks across our State. A couple more memorable ones were the hub cap lady. A little country enterprise that boasts 135,000 hubcaps. I guess she can match you up with about anything, and a retired iron worker/ gentleman farmer who takes old farm equipment and whatever and welds up hugh dinosaur skelatons.

Yep we are real excited :twisted:

PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:23 am
by bobhenry
Here is the latest communication from the producers of "Across Indiana"

[url]I will call you in a day or so . . . I know that makes the time “shorter,â€

PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:54 am
by bobhenry
Here is a flash back..... Written about 2 months before the spring "Brown County blow out. This was sent 3/6/08

I have loved every episode of Across Indiana but never thought I'd be writting you.
I have been involved in a strange little hobby that is growing daily. The world of Teardrop trailers. We will have a collection of commecial and home built trailers that will gather in Brown County May 16th thru the 18th. To date we have 26 confirmed reservations and are hopeing for 35 to 38 total. We will be in the buffalo ridge electric camp area of the Brown County State park. We feel our little hobby may be of interest to many of your viewers. For a little research background I would recommend the web site "Teardrops and tiny trailers" this will give a peak into this mini camping experience. I know it take a month or so to plan coverage of these types of events and we hope we would be of interest to your viewers. Thank you for any concideration.

Bob Henry

I think I finally wore them down beating on their door. We just might finally see some TV exposure for our little obsession. :thumbsup:

parking lot set in

PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:01 am
by bobhenry
My response to the parking lot set in

I can see the opening shot....

Mike is pulling into work and finds a "camp in" staged in the parking lot.

He dives in the building only to emerge with camera crew and his microphone.

He starts out by inguiring of our intentions and begins the interviews of the owners about their little tiny trailers.

Am I being pushy ? We are so damn excited ! As you know we have worked for this opportunity for 3 years.

I stumbled on this little hobby in February of 07 and we have found a very inexpensive pasttime that has provided us with literally hundreds of new friends. I think the ability to get 7-8 camping buddys to react this quickly to your kind offer is a prime example of the spirit of this group. I would love nothing more than to convert some of your viewers to our group and show the folks RV ing doesn't take a 125,000 dollar class "C" motorhome.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:42 am
by bobhenry
Here it is 8:30 Monday morning and I have already checked my e mail a dozen times. I guess I am just a bit anxious. I sure hope to hear something this morning on the tapeing of a teardrop segment for the PBS broadcasted "Across Imdiana" The producer was to meet with the station management this morning and get back with me ASAP.

Stay tuned for an update on this breaking news...... :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:31 am
by bobhenry
Phone call came in at 11:22. Indicating they wanted 3 trailers so I sent pictures 2 dan's black and the lodge Joe's little trailer John and roses trailer Kurt's (if he's available) and Jeff's cargo conversion. ( He already has mine.

They feel if it is held in the parking lot they will only have room for 3 units so in fairness I asked them to pick the 3 and an alternate as a back up in case one of the chosen 3 are unavailable.

The jury is still out on the final location and if another site is available hopefully we can ALL have our 15 minutes of fame.

Any one else available Thursday at 1 PM

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:03 pm
by bobhenry
Talked with Tom Barret the Little Guy trailer dealer in Indy . He has a spot to film the segment right behind his shop. I have him in contact with the producer hopefully all will be worked out by Tuesday evening. That is the deadline I gave him in order for us to be able to react.
Let's all keep our fingers crossed !

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:58 am
by bobhenry
Jim Simmons <[email protected]>View Contact
To: BOB HENRY <[email protected]>


I’m looking at next week . . . I’ve called Mike to see when he is available, and I see the early part of the week is supposed to be sunny.

SO ....... It looks like next week for the tapeing of our little tiny trailer segment.

I guess we waited 2 1/2 years what's a few more days.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:31 am
by bobhenry

Tapeing for the teardrop segment with Across Indiana will be at 1401 N. Meridian on Thursday April 1st ( NO JOKE ) .

This is the tv stations old office lot. We will have access at 1 pm and tapeing will start at 2 pm and will take 60 to 90 minutes.

Guys if you can confirm at 765-538-2580 or just post here, either will be fine.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:39 am
by Kurt (Indiana)
bobhenry wrote:FINALLY WE HAVE A PLAN :D

Tapeing for the teardrop segment with Across Indiana will be at 1401 N. Meridian on Thursday April 1st ( NO JOKE ) .

This is the tv stations old office lot. We will have access at 1 pm and tapeing will start at 2 pm and will take 60 to 90 minutes.

Guys if you can confirm at 765-538-2580 or just post here, either will be fine.

Bob, I'm really sorry to say that I can't possibly make on the first. :(

I hope the taping goes well but I won't even be in Indiana on the first of April. :x

Good luck everyone. :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:13 pm
by bobhenry
Kurt :

If it makes ya feel better, of the 8 -10 trailers I submitted pictures of yours was the very 1st one of the 5 they selected.


2 1/2 years of planning and begging and you arn't gonna be in town :(

Well we will try and do you proud. :D

PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:18 pm
by Kurt (Indiana)
bobhenry wrote:Kurt :

If it makes ya feel better, of the 8 -10 trailers I submitted pictures of yours was the very 1st one of the 5 they selected.


2 1/2 years of planning and begging and you arn't gonna be in town :(

Well we will try and do you proud. :D

Bob, it's a real "bummer" because I know the effort you put in. If I could make it happen, you know I'd be there. My timing "sucks". :oops:

You guys will make a great show no matter wether mine is in there or not. Enjoy it. You're going to be TV celebrities. :thumbsup: