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2012 Shivaree

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:34 am
by prohandyman
Any one up for cold camping in January? I am thinking maybe the 13th and 14th at Brown County State park. It has been 5 years since the sub-zero fun we had there. :twisted: :coffee:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:21 am
by Jst83
:thumbsup: Sounds good to me as long as the tear isn't snowed in my parents barn.
Maybe I can get Amy to tag along :lol: I guess she could stay at the Inn

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:47 am
by bobhenry

That's a 250 mile round trip for me for one night :cry:

Weather being kinda iffy are there any other possibilities. Please don't get me wrong ,I love Brown County and it is beautiful in the snow but that's kind of a haul. I am not about to break the chain now I have a 5 year run starting without missing a gathering ( official or unofficial) and I won't let it stop me so "Whatever" Just a thought !

How about a shivaree rewind.........





PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:42 pm
by madjack
...made ya a sticky...anybody that crazy needs all the support they can get :roll: :lol: ;)
madjack 8)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:29 pm
by roadmaven
We were just talking over the weekend that we hadn't heard anything about our favorite winter rally! Coming up on what...6 weeks?? I know they've got heated, year round comfort stations down there. And they charge you $6 more/night in the winter for that convenience. When we were there November '10, I think their offseason rate was $17/night compared to $11 everywhere else. Does anyone know which state parks have comfort stations open in the winter? I'm pretty sure Pokagan is one as well...didn't know if there were any others? Side note, we're going to try to get out to camp one night out at Turkey Run either this month or in January to hit the trails and check out the bald eagles that hang out there in the winter.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:32 pm
by Verna
I won't promise anything...I've never pulled a travel trailer, let alone a trailer in the winter :? Yeah, call me :snowstorm: and chicken!!!!!

If there's no snow, and none in the forecast, and as long as I can get the SideKick out of the side yard, then there's nothing stopping me from driving down SR 135.

Now, you guys are saying that the restrooms (comfort stations?) are heated and have hot water?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:16 am
by bobhenry
O.K. Verna if ya really need hot water I will promise you a free Redneck Waterheater of your very own if you are brave enough to make it. We just used the vault toilets on past shiverees. Luckily the seats are heated.

about 1 1/2 minutes after ya set down :poop: :laughter:

Here is an introduction to the Redneck water heater for the new Hoosier campers.......


32 cups of hot water at the ready to scrub the dishes make a hot cup of cocoa or tea ( or even those silly teabag coffees) .

You can even use it to scrub your stinky parts at shivarees if ya have to :oops:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:36 am
by bobhenry
Pat and Jennifer......

If you make it to Turkey Run let Vic and I know! We might stop down during the afternoon for a visit. I can always bring some more wood from work for a rousing campfire.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:41 am
by bobhenry
For those who may have never read about the great 08 Shivaree here is a link to the day before the day of and the days after......

It was a fun reread for me.

There were lots of firsts and funny thing going on behind the scenes

This was mine and Vickies very very very first teardrop outing.

It was also my very first Dutch Oven cooking experience and we had a great stew for dinner.


Dan had had a fight with his table saw a few days earlier and split his thumb and yet he tuffed it out and made the event.


The birth of the "Apple Pie" experience thanks to RAP.

I played with the mini wood stove in the teardrop and I am sure the look of panic on my face when I opened the door and smoke billowed out had to be priceless. I thought I had really made a mistake but it turned out to just be poor planning. I had forgotten part of the chimney and It was not drawing out well and with every puff of wind it shoved the smoke inside the trailer.


For those that don't know it went to -1 temp and a record -15 wind chill the minute the sun went down.

We learned that you can take off a tiny bit of chill in a vault toilet with the addition of a good Coleman lantern left running to light and somewhat heat the space.

The single funniest thing that happened that day was the great coffee experiment... Anyone who has met Vickie knows that once she warms up she can talk the legs off of a picnic table. Well in the midst of a cup of coffee she started one of her stories. A few minutes into it, she took a "next" sip of her coffee and it hit her square in the nose. The look on her face led to an explosion of laughter from the rest of us. In a split second she realized her coffee had froze in the cup between sentences.

These are the silly treasures that we take from these slightly insane winter outings. The friendships and comradery ,the experiments, and happy accidents are just little memorys to treasure. I want to thank all of the brave folks that have not only joined us but also those who have simply stopped out to visit with us during the day to say hi and check on us.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:01 am
by bobhenry
bobhenry wrote:These are the silly treasures that we take from these slightly insane winter outings. The friendships and comradery ,the experiments, and happy accidents are just little memorys to treasure. I want to thank all of the brave folks that have not only joined us but also those who have simply stopped out to visit with us during the day to say hi and check on us.

Speaking of Happy accidents meet Jaxon Lucky he arrived 10-21-10

our 2010 Shivaree was 1/17/10 [ YOU do the math ]


Congratz kids... Your little man gets bigger and bigger each gathering we get to see him.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:27 pm
by Verna

Thanks for the link to the '08 Shivaree :snowstorm:

OK, so if I can't get the SideKick out, then I can at least come down and visit on Saturday with you guys. I really, really want want to meet all of you guys and gals :D And, I want to see all of the TD's and TTT :)


PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:22 pm
by prohandyman
Why don't we just make it Turkey Run in January? I know Bob wouldn't care?!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:47 pm
by Blotto Bros
So, would a weirdo from Louisville be welcome at such a spectacular event?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:09 pm
by Carter & Susan
Blotto Bros

Where have you been? So glad to hear of another camper in Ky. Be sure and checkout the spring gathering on the Bluegrass TJ site. We'll be at Green River - May 31-Jun 3.

Carter :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:20 pm
by Blotto Bros
Thanks, I will check it out!! We met/spoke at crossroads 2011 as well.