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Fish creek

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 4:09 pm
by bellatear
Well this is going to be our 1st teardrop trip, Tom has been working dilagently on it for about 2 months now, I do believe he will have it done. The inside is totally done, and he is working along on finishing touches for the galley. We are very excited about meeting all of you! We have had to change our dates a little as my parents 50th wedding aniversary party is the 19th, so we will have to leave very early Sunday AM, to get back in time for a 3pm party, but we will be there 0n the 15th and get to enjoy 4 glorious days. By the way I would love a kayak partner, anybody game? When the money pit is done maybe we will be able to get a canoe that all three of us can go out, unti then I am a solo kayaker.
Mary, Tom & Laura 8)

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 5:48 pm
by mikeschn
Hey Bella,

Welcome to the forum. I hope you have been taking photos of Tom working on your tear. We'd love to see it. You're not going to make us wait till you show up at Fish Creek, are you?


Hi Mike,

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 7:44 am
by bellatear
Well I tried to post the pics but when I tried to register all I got was the page is not available. So for now it remains a mystery what the Bella looks like, but she sure is a Bella!
Mary :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 9:00 am
by toypusher
Are you trying to upload to your personal gallery? If so, make sure the pictures are not bigger than 800 x 654. Go to Album on the top of the forum, then then select 'Your Personal Gallery' (It's below the Public Categories section. Then click 'Upload pic' and find your pictures.

Hope this helps
