Lake Murray, OK - Cedar Cove Campground 4/23/2021

Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Arkansas & Oklahoma

Moderator: 2bits

Re: Lake Murray, OK - Cedar Cove Campground 4/23/2021

Postby 2bits » Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:36 am

capnTelescope wrote:I thought the texts were genuine but worded weirdly. "your parking ... expires at 6AM." I wasn't parking, I was *camping*. It was all about camping, not parking. Or were they verbing a noun, as in going to the park is "parking" ? :? Did they mean the campsite gotta be cleared out by 6AM? No way! Ain't happ'n.

Yes the "parking" is your day use fee in addition to camping, Of course the day use fee is free with camping so it is just craziness!!! this all started when they decided to charge for day use and had to find some duct tape to cover how to handle Campers. they definitely get the award for the most emails!

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Re: Lake Murray, OK - Cedar Cove Campground 4/23/2021

Postby 2bits » Wed Jan 31, 2024 5:10 pm

Welcowe wrote:I think that Korean Chap Chae as a potluck dish is a fantastic choice, regardless of whether you go with chicken or pork. It's all about that delicious variety, right?
And thanks for sharing the fishing rules info. It's essential knowledge to avoid any ""unpleasantries,"" as you put it.

Your posts are suspect and you may be banned soon, your only other post was reported as spam in another thread and this thread is responding to a three year old gathering and reads like an AI bot. If you are real please be aware

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