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Time to get the Teardrop out and polish it!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:58 pm
by Glennanderson1
I was hoping this could be a group project around my house, lookin more like a solo venture though.
Thoes of you that have already done this know what I am headed for, I don't know if I want your advice, your sympathy, or HELP!

I will get back to you on that after I start this daunting task that if not completed would reveil my true intestional fortitude, or lack there of.

Wax on / Wax off GRASSHOPPER.... Two coats!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:39 pm
by sdtripper2


Are you going to polish the aluminum uP eh?
You said > I don't know if I want your advice, your sympathy, or HELP!

If your going into that black swirl world of rag muck and massive time sump.
A prayer for patience :worship: and stamina is in order.

It will do you good to give us progress pic's ... between Wax on / Wax off GRASSHOPPER.... Two coats!!!!

BTW... what buffing tools are you going to use? :thinking: