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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:02 pm
by Joanne
Carol and I both made it home safely. A big shout out to everyone who spent time organizing this event! I know for certain that Grant, Ken & Doug did. Thanks!

I had a great time seeing everyone I haven't seen for a while. See ya' all down the road at another gathering.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:25 pm
by Wolffarmer
I just got home safe, ( won't comment on the sound ) Took in a bit of the north west corner of Utah and did some four wheeling with the rig. made it out ok.

Thanks again for every one. It was a GREAT gathering. Weather really sucked, nothing bad to really complain about.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:34 pm
Home Again. It was great seeing everyone and meeting some new friends. I had a really great time and want to thank everyone for pulling the gathering together. See you down the road a bit.
Jim B / Utah

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:07 pm
by triker45
Between Joanne's chicken enchilada and Kevin's Mountainman Breakfast and everyone else fantastic DO'ing I only managed to gain 5 lbs. Met new people and had a great time. Thanks go to the folks who put it together. Weather and scenery were great. See you all down the road. Jerry, Donna and Sassy

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:14 am
by Carol Reed
Many thanks to ALL who made my first gathering a great experience. I cannot wait to see you all again at another event !!!

Carol and Misty

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:53 am
by Kayperkay
What a great gathering :thumbsup: Once again..I have met the nicest people on earth :applause: :applause: A huge thank to all in our little tear a van and especially our fearless leader Grant for getting us all there together and safe :thumbsup:
The weather was fabulous...the food to die for...and new friends around the campfire...Carol and Carol, you're too much fun 8) ...Jim, thanks for the allergy tip :thumbsup: Bruce, leave that POS jeep at home...LOL :lol: :lol: Joanne, you're the best cook ever!!, Ken, drives 85 in the dark, thanks for getting us to the hot springs're just too funny :lol: Kevin, the desert Dutch Oven King....well I could go on and on....Guy, you be the man!
I can't believe I drove 1188 miles...on the loneliest Hwy in America.....not if your with Teardropers!


PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:07 am
by curiouserand
It was fun meeting everyone and seeing all the cool rigs!! Next time I will be first in line for the food...though I am emotionally scarred from watching Johnny go up in flames(':shock:')

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:17 pm
by Christina
Thanks to everyone for the gathering and the great food! Sorry I could not stay longer. Kay, I loved your steal of a teardrop and I need to get my Hwy. 50 Survival Guide stamped the next time I travel down the Loneliest Highway. :lol:

Here are some of the photos that I shot at the Glyphs. Hope to see everyone soon at the IRG. :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:10 am
by traveler
Great pictures Christina. I really liked the of my side nite lite :lol: Sorry that you couldn't stay longer. Talked to you just after you came down off the mountain. I was the one with the black lab.
Bruce :)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:41 am
by Christina
Thanks Bruce!

At the gathering, we were discussing the location of certain stars and planets and some people were wondering about the bright object at night in the SE sky. It is Jupiter. The even brighter object in the East at around 5:30 a.m. is Venus. The twinkly star next to the moon these days is Antares.

For other star gazers out there, I get my information about the night sky from the free online software, Stellarium.

You can set your location, time and date and it will show you what objects will be appearing when. Very cool! 8)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:36 pm
by Ken Fincher
I had a great time.( I did miss the snow) :(

I was the last one to depart the Glyph's on Sunday afternoon
After leaving I went over to the hot pot & took a hour or so dip, Then I trecked up to the cave campground & hiked to the cave it was pretyy neat it was full of petroglyph's & alot of them still had some color :thumbsup:

Then I hit the road again & I ended up spending the night in Beaty NV.
& the next morning I headed home ward to pick up Jan so we could head back to Salt Lake to see my daughter, I would of went derectly to Salt Lake from the Glyph's But I knew that Jan wanted to go & see my daughter (Brielle).

So on my trip back to Vegas I took alittle side trip to some sand dunes scince I had a little time to waste before Jan got off of work it was a nice little detour.

Once I goty home I did a little laundry & I had to fix some electrical wires to my electric brakes that had gotten torn apart on on of my side journey's :(

Once wires we're fixed I picked up Jan & we hit the road again.

My daughter is doing alot better she has been diagnosed with Lupus & I am trying to run around & get alot of stuff done to help her out with her medical & work stuff, My next is to go to the social security office to try to get the ball rolling & try to getting her on disability scince her days of working at a hospital are pretty much over.

I will be back in Vegas in a few days & once I get home I will get some pictures downloaded

I'm glad everyone made it home safely home.

Talk at ya all soon.

Ken F.
(P.S. Johnny in flames will be up soon) RRRR-RRRR.

Contra Dance

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:37 am
by curiouserand
Christina...we discussed contra dance a little. This website might give you some more info

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:00 pm
by jhb
Think I'm the last to make it home, but I did take a little detour to the Tetons. The wedding (Andrew and Christina Bonnett, Andrew being my youngest) was really a great time.

The only thing I can day about you all at the Glyphs is you sure did make it hard to leave early! :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:41 pm
by Joanne
jhb wrote:Think I'm the last to make it home, but I did take a little detour to the Tetons. The wedding (Andrew and Christina Bonnett, Andrew being my youngest) was really a great time.

The only thing I can day about you all at the Glyphs is you sure did make it hard to leave early! :thumbsup:

Glad to hear that the wedding was a success. :applause: It was great that you were able to make it...even if you did have to take off early. :thumbsup:


PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:40 pm
by jhb
Joanne wrote:Glad to hear that the wedding was a success. :applause: It was great that you were able to make it...even if you did have to take off early. :thumbsup: Joanne

Thanks Joanne, and Cathy says "Hi"!