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Mendocino Coast teardrop Gathering & D.O.G. July 14-16 2

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:33 pm
by Lazybones
I just wanted to let you know the dates for next years camp out.
Exact location to be anounced. I am still working with a couple of camp grounds. It will definatly be in the Mendocino/ Fortbragg ares though.

I am taking over Bob and Judy Audets I.A.D.Y. Clearlake gathering. I have decided to move it over to the Mendocino coast as it is so hot inland in July.

Bring your Dutch Oven for the Saturday night potluck.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:44 pm
by Guest
Hopefully... That will be the second gathering for the Copperwood.
I'll have a well seasoned "lodge" type of DO by then too...
(Four days and counting since my last potluck...)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:14 pm
by Gage
Dean in Eureka, CA wrote:(Four days and counting since my last potluck...)

Three days and counting down ubtil my next potluck. :FNP

Have a good day.


PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:45 am
by dmb90260
Sounds great to me, :thumbsup: I have family there working at North Coast Brewing. :beer: Any excuse to visit is good. :applause:
Things can change but right now you can put me on the list. A ride on the Skunk train may be order too.

Location finalized

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:54 pm
by Lazybones
I have found a great location for the Mendocino Coast Campout.
We will be staying at the Point Cabrillo Highlands. We will be camping rignt on the coast with a beautiful view of the ocean and light house. There are hiking trails and tours of the lighthouse.

The town of Mendocino is just two miles south and Fortbragg is 6 miles north. Both of these towns are great to walk through.

I have included a link to the lighthouse site.

I look foreward to seeing everone!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 10:17 pm
by Steve E
Sounds like a good time Lee......Thanks for setting it up and we have it marked for next year.........Steve and Patty :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 10:18 pm
by tupelosue
Hey Lee!

That's a really nice spot. i've stayed in one of the point cabrillo houses when i was a volunteer there for the whale festival. Great hiking and the tours of the light house are really cool. I hope we get to go upstairs.

i didn't know there was camping there. is it on the lighthouse grounds, or next to, or nearby??

btw, what does I.A.D.Y. stand for?

sue :D

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:08 am
by Lazybones
tupelosue wrote:

i didn't know there was camping there. is it on the lighthouse grounds, or next to, or nearby??

btw, what does I.A.D.Y. stand for?



The site is surrounded on three sides by the preserve.

I Aint Dead Yet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:41 am
by billnut
:D Sis and I have this on our 2006 list with a star.
That's 3 stars for next year. Gosh retirment is fun :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:40 pm
by doug hodder
Lee had some photos that we checked out on Sues laptop at Dillon Beach....what an awesome place! Ya dun good Lee....count me in...I'm there....Doug

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:59 pm
by Mike Ahern
Lee, Mike and I have this trip on our calendar for the coming year. I am really looking forward to going. Nancy :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:57 pm
by Lazybones
Happy New Year every one!! :P

I am really looking forward to Spring and Teardrop camping! 8)

I hope to see you here on the Mendocino coast in July!

Mark your calenders and plan on having a good time!

Here are a couple of pictures to give you an idea of where we will be camping. There is plenty of room for everyone so don't worry about finding a place to set up.



I am thinking of making arrangements for us to drive down the light house with our trailers and take pictures, :pictures: possibly Sunday around noon as people are geting ready to depart. Let me know if this sounds interesting to you. Normally the only access is by walking about half a mile.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:00 pm
by Mike Ahern
Looks fantastic, looking forward to July for your campout on the coast. Your idea for getting near the lighthouse with are trailers on Sunday for some photos would be great. 8)

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 12:45 pm
by Lazybones
Hello Everyone!

I was very happy when at the 13th Dam Gathering several of you said you would be coming to the coast!

I have been talking with Tanya one of the directors at the light house; and have been informed that we WILL NOT be able to drive down to the light house.

Tanya was very helpful in trying to get us permission. In fact she said it was a very lively debate at there board meeting.

We will have a guided hiking tour at 11am Saturday for those who wish to partake.

I went camping at Point Cabrillo Highlands the weekend after and had a great time. The weather was Fantastic. Nick and I had fun flying kites,hiking,& sitting by the fire. Here are a couple of pictures.



Reservations for best spaces have been made by me for our group. Just so you know I figured that several trailers could camp in one space as they are large. There are several other camp spaces for those who want a space of there own.

So when you show up come on down to the camp ground and we will handle camping fees.

July can be foggy on the coast so bring warm clothes just in case. There are fire pits at every site so bring wood if you like.

I will be bringing wood for the "traditional" Teardroping Saturday night fire.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask!


PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 7:01 pm
by Dean in Eureka, CA
We'll be there...
Hoping somebody in Willits has a loaner we can pick up... :lol:
(Will bring a **** just in case...) :lol: