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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:47 am
by Joanne

You should build a teardrop smoker. The cabin section could be for wood storage and hold the fire box. The galley hatch would open to expose the large grill surface. Would probably have to make the whole trailer out of metal since wood wouldn't be the best idea. Neat idea eh? :lol: :lol:


I had enough problems trying to build a real trailer without trying to make one into a smoker... sheesh..

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:59 am
by caseydog
Joanne wrote:Ira,

You should build a teardrop smoker. The cabin section could be for wood storage and hold the fire box. The galley hatch would open to expose the large grill surface. Would probably have to make the whole trailer out of metal since wood wouldn't be the best idea. Neat idea eh? :lol: :lol:


I had enough problems trying to build a real trailer without trying to make one into a smoker... sheesh..

Actually, a 1/2 scale TD Smoker would be cool -- or hot, actually.

Something about 3 X 5, with the firebox in the belly, using the side doors to load wood, and the galley hatch opening to the stepped grates.

Hey Andrew, how about a diagram. :D


PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:28 am
by Ira
caseydog wrote:
Something about 3 X 5

The HF frame is 40 by 48. Just build over front and back and we're talking those dimensions.

But I had enough problems with WOODEN hatch spars, let alone steel ones.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:52 am
by SaGR
OK, I just found this thread...

Let me ruminate for a bit on this. I've got an idea but need to flesh it out first.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:15 pm
by Ira
SaGR wrote:OK, I just found this thread...

Let me ruminate for a bit on this. I've got an idea but need to flesh it out first.


Ruminate like the WIND!!!

(I guess that's an oxymoron I just invented there.)

Basically, I'm looking to put together something cool, functional, and cheap--in LESS than a month.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:11 pm
by SaGR
Ruminate too much and you get plenty of wind... Just ask a cow :)

Basically the idea I have is essentially a smoke house on wheels. That's essentially cold smoking though. Could be TD shaped or just a box.

You could add a heat source to the "house" for any additional heat needs, say a 10,000 BTU propane burner.


I do like the 4 box idea above, I have two of those in the wide box style.

You could drop a centrally plumbed firebox on the back lower side of the trailer.

Since you're smoking a 55 gallon drum on it's side with a grate would work but would need replacing more often. You're running at lower temperatures so the acidic smoke from the wood will eat through faster than if you used it as a grill.

Feed the smokers with dampered* and insulated 6" stove pipe though the lower side dampers (remove the vent and attach the stove piping there).

* Use the inline dampers to adjust smoke balance and the propane burners in those cabinets on the lowest settings for any additional heat.

Interesting project idea. More later...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:02 pm
by subtearanean

Ira, Ira, Ira.......

I've been lurking here, not posting (could it be because my tear is at a standstill for the last 2 years or so?), and I come across this post. Then I start reminiscing about all your other threads. I must toss in a few pithy jibes here...

Where are you going to put this once it's done? On the side of your house so the neighbors can call the cops on you? Or will you need to rent a storage facility? Aren't you in one of those moderated gated communities? Don't your neighbors already hate you?

What are the chances that this contraption will actually draw the heat through itself as it should? You're talking 3 wood/charcoal, 1 gas? Firebox attachment? How? How will you get the heat/smoke between compartments in a reliable fashion? How much food do you really need to cook? Each one of those Brinkman's could hold a minimum of 9 - 12 full size spares, that alone feeding at least 30 people (with usual appetites and normal allotment of sides). Do you need that kind of room?

If you must do it: Get a couple of Weber Smokey Mountains. Build a nice contraption that will fit through the door of the Crab. The WSMs break down to a reasonable size, transport them in said container (or the back of your car). At full retail for the 2 it will set you back ~$400, if you Craigslist you may be able to find for less (my last one was $35). Set them up next to the Crab, fire them up, use the galley of the tear for the food prep and service. If the food comes out bad you can lock yourself in the tear if need be to get away from the pitchforks and torches.

I get tagged to do parties for friends all through the year. I've got 4 WSMs (and 4 kettles of various sizes, and 3 or 4 other variants). I've done parties for up to 130 people will ease, with the addition of a Cajun Grill ( ) for finishing purposes. The WSMs can also be used nicely as a Santa Fe style grill....or with long skewers as a churrasco style (your wife will once again think you are a god).

I'll go away now. But hey, thanks for listening.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:57 am
by Ira
This trailer is small, will fit behind the back of the house, so I'm okay legal wise. Just can't have it in front or on the side.

Those boxes will NOT hold 9 to 12 racks--I have one. It only has two grates, and what I usually do is use the lower grate for my liquid pan.

And I'm looking for something to use totally aside from the TD anyway.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:22 am
by mfkaplan
I know that this smoker probably wouldn't fit on your trailer, but it's a real hoot.

I saw one of these on wheels with a hitch at this place when they installed my new springs early this summer. Don't know what it cost. Their stuff wasn't cheap. Some cleaver person could build one. Just inagine one at your next gathering.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:18 am
by Ira
Did you paste in the whole link? It didn't work for me.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:06 pm
by subtearanean
Here's a link that could give you some ideas. If you want to do a road trip I know where there's a '75 Midget that could be had for conversion purposes. ... bq-grills/

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:38 pm
by mfkaplan
Ira, I just checked the link and it works for me. Maybe my computer knows the path because I posted it. Try googleing Country Boy Trailers, Comming, GA. Go to smokers, scroll down to the pink pig. The site subterranian posted has some like it, plus some other intresting ideas.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:50 pm
by Micro469
Ira wrote:Did you paste in the whole link? It didn't work for me.

Perhaps it's because your using a MAC instead of a PC...... :lol:

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:36 pm
by Dean in Eureka, CA
Mary's link worked fine on my slow dial up...
Maybe you guys just have too fast of a connection. :lol:


PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:04 am
by Eunice
Mary's worked for me also. it is sooo cute. I have several hundred pigs (no kidding) I looked like that for halloween one year and pigs just started showing up on my desk, in my mail box, everywhere!
Dean I am sure that I beat you when it comes to slow. My computer is old.........but it works fine for me and I seem to be spending my money elsewhere these days!