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Re: Looking for a teardrop or Tiny Travel Trailer

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:05 pm
by Adirondackersouth
SheCamps wrote:He would arrange shipping for you? Was there a quote on the cost? That was my biggest concern- getting the camper from Canada to the US.

I've camped my entire life in the greater New England area and have seen exactly 1 teardrop camper in all those summers. I truly believe there's a huge (or as Trump would say "HUUUUUGGGGEEE"} potential market for teardrops in this part of the country. A manufacturer needs to provide me with a teardrop so I can be their salesperson!

A gal can dream...

Hi there -
I am a dogged kind of researcher and stick to what I start especially if the outcome is so important as a purchased like this. So while I had a free moment or two from teaching and students who like to hang out with me, I was able to research the cost of some of the expensive items on the list of things I was looking for that they would put into the trailer for me. Namely flexible solar power panels:

Not all are considered equal. The one above has a good conversion rating of just over 23% which is a good for a flexible unit. Now the bad part of course is the cost, installation and wiring to an inverter/battery set up. By the time all of that happens the cost incurred maybe a consideration to either choose going solo or have them install it. Because the exhange rate is what it is I am half inclined to think that it maybe cheaper if they do it. More research is involved.

The upgrade of 14 inch rims seems like the right choice for off road and a larger tool box in front with spare a must have. I did get an email back around noon from them in the Toronto area and they have had a few orders from the US just this week. They are doing a brisk business which bodes well for me and them. The earliest looked like July. I wonder how long it takes them to make each special order teardrop?

As for New England and New York I have never seen one in all my times traveling either. I think you are right about the untapped market. Out West, down South and other places seem to know what I am talking about. New England needs to jump on the bandwagon.
Shipping was 400 Canadian to Central Virginia.

Any thoughts? 8)

Re: Looking for a teardrop or Tiny Travel Trailer

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:36 pm
by SheCamps
Whoa- the solar panels are pricier than I expected. Solar isn't a consideration/priority for me as having electricity itself will be a novelty! My minimal requirements are: a) tear-shaped body, b) simple galley (no sink or stove), c) curb/dry weight under 900 pounds, d) some inside storage area at the foot of the bed and preferably at the head as well, e) attached stabilizers, f) two lockable doors. On the preference list is a wood exterior over aluminum. It seems many campers really like the roof vent/fan. I'm not sure what that's aboot as I tend to camp in upstate NY/Maine where the nights can be brisk even in July.
Needless to say, I can talk about this for hours! Promise me you'll post a review if you purchase from the Toronto company!

Looking for a teardrop or Tiny Travel Trailer

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:50 am
by Adirondackersouth
Well here it is….

I have been looking for a camper that I can tow behind the 08 Highlander that rates under 2000 lbs. This search has brought me from CL to Tin Can Tourists then to Teardrops and Tiny Travel Trailer forum then to Ebay and back again to scramble the mix. I check most of all these sites for a solution to resolve the situation. Some very nice people on T&TTT have given many words of advice and some have been eager either pass on teardrops for sale or tell me about their creation that was up for sale. I appreciate all those communications and opportunities to join what I found to be a very exclusive club of individuals with my kind of passion for the unusual traveler.

I have checked out Standy's, Teardrops both wooden, canvas, plastic clad, and metal sided. Peeked into websites and watched dozens of videos on how to make enclosed trailers into a livable space and some even more so. I have gone on websites that have small trailers that fold out into tents, or expand into many directions from the original towing foot print to give the occupants more room when camping. I have downloaded Sketch up and played around with many models, thinking that in the future I would just make one to suit exactly what I want. Alas this cannot happen before I go on my Summer vacation this year, so I was kind of looking for a "ready-made."

Finally I went to the dark side and looked at Serro Scotty campers both reproductions and original. The rear door Scotty which I still love that is on this site is a darling of Standy if you have not seen it you should check it out, she's a honey. I have bid on a few Serro Scotty Sportsman both Tonga models and front dinette one's. Each has all the items I desire. Each had dry weight of less than 1500 lbs all had at least one bed and a place to eat, and some place to prepare food. What more could I want? I have a few blogs out there in cyberspace that a few people read and have since contacted me about "Sportsman" that they restore.

All of this has been a fun, and rewarding experience for me. There is nothing wasteful about research. Many times I found out things meet people, and discover hidden bits of interesting things that I would have never even thought about had I not embarked on this journey back in December when I went to look at a CL half done Standy in Goochland, VA.

I just wanted to thank those that have helped a dude who wants to learn and explore and research and connect with a great community of like minded people.

Thank you.

Cheers :wine:

Re: Looking for a teardrop or Tiny Travel Trailer

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:18 pm
by Adirondackersouth
Adirondackersouth wrote::D

It is time. I live in the Richmond, Virginia area. I am looking for a teardrop or canned ham camper that weighs less then 1800 lbs. I am an outdoorsy kind of fella with too many hobbies. I teach HS science and have become fortunate enough to have about a month to travel each summer. I have done this tenting and for some applications of travel it is fine, for others a teardrop would serve very well.

Hello everyone
The school year is in its last quarter which means for me 9 more weeks of students, grading, lost expectations, and gained incite on the future. I am referring to my students and not me. I have been goal oriented since December in hopes of getting a Serro Scottie, or small travel trailer that is already to go. I am ready to buy out of here man!

Life tends to get in the way of plans sometimes and now I am bidding on another house. This one has a garage! Don't know know what I am going to want to do in it once I take possession of the house? Yeah! Teardrop time. But I have to tell you that all the encouragement and side swiped concern over my meager budget has put me off the fresh lobster roll of making! :? The idea that a teardrop could grow to be greater than the cost of my first year of college back in the day, concerns me to now end. So I am economizing big time.

I have been learning great things.. grasshopper! :beautiful:

I found a few popup frames that need demolition on CL but I have not jumped on them yet. The idea of course being I should buy the house first before I go picking up a hard full of crap I will have to move twice. Smart right?

Still I can't help but want to get going. Here is the thing. I am leaving early July come hell or high water. Come new house or no new house I am hitting the road as planned. I will tent for Summer Sojourn 2016 if I have to, but I don't want to. So I have been scouring the CL local and in a 200 mile radius. Ebay has been scanned every day twice a day and still nothing that comes my way. I come on this site hoping for someone who has a camper for sale that is in my price range and distance. I have bid on a number of campers and emailed a half a dozen folks about transporting them here to the Richmond area. I can't budge until late June at the earliest. Woe is me.

Here is my question for anyone to answer?

I have a need for a trailer hauler to bring a teardrop from Lake Ontario area down to Ashland VA next month or so. Total miles one way total drive time estimated at 7 hours.

Is there anyone in the Teardrop and Tiny Travel Trailer forum that either can help me out in hauling or knows someone who is traveling South that would bring it to my house. Fee is negotiable.

Re: Looking for a teardrop or Tiny Travel Trailer

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:18 am
by ncsteve
I just listed mine today for $2895. Let me know if you are interested.

Re: Looking for a teardrop or Tiny Travel Trailer

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:42 am
by lfhoward
I remember researching trailer options and varous designs for over a year before I started building mine. During the process I have often wished for a garage that would fit my trailer, but I've come to find out that it wasn't really necessary. Here's where we are, about a year into the project:


And this is what it looks like the rest of the time-- double tarped, with ratchet straps looping underneath the frame:


The garage next to the trailer was built a long time ago and it's big enough for a VW Beetle, perhaps, but not my TD. I use it as a workshop and a place to store my materials. The basement could serve the same purpose but would be less convenient.

I guess I'm saying not to sell yourself short. A teardrop can be built outdoors without a garage. You just have to get some layers of urethane on it as quickly as possible after the wooden shell is built, keep an eye on it to make sure the tarps are secure before and after storms (using a board in the center of the tarp roof to create a slope for rain to drain off), and be sure you don't let too much snow melt up on the roof. I built mine in PA where we definitely have a winter season.

Re: Looking for a teardrop or Tiny Travel Trailer

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:56 pm
by Adirondackersouth
lfhoward wrote:I remember researching trailer options and varous designs for over a year before I started building mine. During the process I have often wished for a garage that would fit my trailer, but I've come to find out that it wasn't really necessary. Here's where we are, about a year into the project:


And this is what it looks like the rest of the time-- double tarped, with ratchet straps looping underneath the frame:


The garage next to the trailer was built a long time ago and it's big enough for a VW Beetle, perhaps, but not my TD. I use it as a workshop and a place to store my materials. The basement could serve the same purpose but would be less convenient.

I guess I'm saying not to sell yourself short. A teardrop can be built outdoors without a garage. You just have to get some layers of urethane on it as quickly as possible after the wooden shell is built, keep an eye on it to make sure the tarps are secure before and after storms (using a board in the center of the tarp roof to create a slope for rain to drain off), and be sure you don't let too much snow melt up on the roof. I built mine in PA where we definitely have a winter season.

Hey man
I really like your photos and encouragement for working outside. After all houses are built outside which is a fact that I just plain ignored. Poly tarps and looks like the plan. I think your windows designed in are key as well. The worst thing in the world I can imagine is being in a teardrop large or small and not having some visual connection to the outside world. An x girlfriend loved to sleep in total darkness, I hate it. I would rather see the stars, feel the breeze on my face then sleep in a dark over warm box.
Where are you getting your windows from?
David :beer:

Re: Looking for a teardrop or Tiny Travel Trailer

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:28 pm
by lfhoward
Hi David,

I've found it's doable with tarps and ratchet straps, but of course it's not ideal. The urethane coating on the plywood has helped a lot to keep the occasional water from damaging anything. Prior to urethaning, and with only a single tarp, I did have some water damage on the roof at one point that took about a day's work and a week's time to straighten out. But all in all, it has survived so far! I am part way through installing the aluminum skin at the moment. Once the aluminum is on and the windows and doors installed, it can go "tarpless" and I can start building the interior.

I got the windows from Lil Bear (Grant Whipp) a few days before he retired. All the windows were clearance at that point, so it was an awesome deal. The recangular side windows that are hinged at the top are like the classic teardrop windows you can find some other places online, and the front & back door windows with the rounded corners are originally for horse trailers. They don't open, which is good for keeping out water at highway speeds. I figure it will be plenty airy sleeping inside with the side windows open and the fantastic fan in the ceiling on.


Re: Looking for a teardrop or Tiny Travel Trailer

PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:11 am
by Adirondackersouth
Ned B wrote:No, not yet, expect I'll have it by April or so. I'll get the cabinetry, and such cut and ready before I pick it up. Possibly even the floor and framing. I have the foam on hand , and the canvas will be easy to pick up.

Did you finish your camper?