On Our Way Gathering 2017
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:25 pm
I posIted the information for the "On Our Way Gathering" Apr. 21 -23rd under General Discussion, but neglected to post it here,
It is time!
We need to know who will be joining us this year for the trip to the Shasta Lake Gathering, and stopping in Union Gap (Yakima) Wa.
for the 3rd annual "On Our Way Gathering" at the Ag Museum.
This is a no host, informal weekend which allows those that want to caravan south to meet up, and those that want to have a short campout weekend with us, to gather together!
As it is the first campout of the year for most of us, it gives us a chance to get the TD ready for the upcoming season and see our TD friends after a long cold winter.
We sure hope you can join us this year if you live in the PNW.
If not this time.......sometime during the 2017 Camping Season.......as there are plenty of opportunities!
Please let me know if you are able to meet us at the Gap!
Either on this thread or PM or email.
Good Roads
Brian & Sandi
It is time!
We need to know who will be joining us this year for the trip to the Shasta Lake Gathering, and stopping in Union Gap (Yakima) Wa.
for the 3rd annual "On Our Way Gathering" at the Ag Museum.
This is a no host, informal weekend which allows those that want to caravan south to meet up, and those that want to have a short campout weekend with us, to gather together!
As it is the first campout of the year for most of us, it gives us a chance to get the TD ready for the upcoming season and see our TD friends after a long cold winter.
We sure hope you can join us this year if you live in the PNW.
If not this time.......sometime during the 2017 Camping Season.......as there are plenty of opportunities!
Please let me know if you are able to meet us at the Gap!
Either on this thread or PM or email.
Good Roads
Brian & Sandi