6 in spring clamps

Anything to do with mechanical, construction etc

6 in spring clamps

Postby bigmcgiv » Sun Jun 05, 2005 3:52 pm

:shock: i got a deal today on some spring clamps the 6 in plasic ones usually go for a buck. well i went to a flea market and there was a tool junkie there, and i guess the had them labeled wrong i got 36 of them for 9 bucks . thats .25 cents each . i kept my mouth shut and walked away and i went over to my wife which was looking at some flowers and said i thinks i just screwed the tool guy because i bought some stuff off him before . well thats why i call him a junkie because of the quality. i know the stuff is cheap but i look to atlest get some use out of the stuff . so she said what come around goes around. :thumbsup:
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