Why this Forum works so Well.

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Why this Forum works so Well.

Postby Shadow Catcher » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:47 am

My first degree is in anthropology and my second after retirement was social work. The anthropology means I look at culture and not so much through it, the social work means a look at ecosystems (everything that affects an individual internal and external) and group dynamics. I am on a number of forums and some work very well, and other do not (gross understatement).
I encountered a very good article on Daily Kos this morning.

The Social Psychology of Forum Behavior

Many forums and scientists. Much of the science was initiated by a famous study - The Stanford Prison Experiment http://www.prisonexp.org/ in which some individuals were randomly assigned to play the role of guards and other students were assigned the role of playing prisoners. The experiment had to be stopped because the guards began humiliating and beating the prisoners. The conditions where this effect is most likely to occur is when the powerful have little fear of being held accountable for their actions and when there is a sense of anonymity between guards and the prisoners. In other words, just like most Internet forums. Googling "Standford Prison Experiment" "forum moderation" gets you over 40,000 hits.
The good news is there is a solution to this problem. It's been proven to work time and time again.
However, the bad news is that people don't usually go along with what psychologists recommend and although people like to make lots of excuses and personal attacks to avoid making the change, the real reason, again according to psychologists, is that they don't like to give up their power. That's the problem with billionaires, forum moderators and anyone else who gets a taste of power.

So if you're not convinced by psychologists, why not try Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ph.D. His drum major instinct speech pulls all the various disciplines and ideas together by that special magic he had. As usual he says it better than anyone else.

I remember seeing the movie The Stanford Prison Experiment in one of my anthropology classes shortly after it was made and it stuck with me You can see it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUWHyFaev8k
There is a cure http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/06/can_we_ ... rd_pr.html

This Forum works very well because power is not one of the major expressions and encouragement and genuine care are!
Thanks to the administrators, Tom
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Re: Why this Forum works so Well.

Postby Roo Dog » Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:34 am

Shadow Catcher,

I am possibly a bit out of line for a newbie but as a very casual observer this forum does appear to operate quite well.

I guess the longer you are involved with any particular forum the more the faults, actual or otherwise would seem to exist.

Forums and the interactions between members cycle, a forum can never be static and they will all have seemingly bad times, and the opposite, though the members will have varying views as to what is good and bad.

My personal approach to forums is to stand back for a while if something is bothering me. Usually given a little time whatever it was seems to resolve itself. It is usually a matter of perspective and a little distance can improve ones perspective no end.

This forum by its very nature is strong on individualism and one could expect many problems as a result but this does not appear to be the case.

Obviously someone, or most are contributing well and ensuring the overall good health of the forum.

Looks good to me.

Take it easy.

RD :)
Lets do a three sixty and get out of here !
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Re: Why this Forum works so Well.

Postby Shadow Catcher » Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:51 am

Mike/Slow I am on a number of forums and quite frankly this one is the best of the bunch dealing with RV issues. There may be intra-personal issues but they seldom surface. I know there are some that will stir the pot occasionally just for entertainment or because they are hurting and tend to lash out. It is not worth expending my energy to be angry. Not forgiving some one is like leaving a thorn in your foot because you did not put it there.
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