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International Teardrop Gathering

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:30 pm
by George T.
Greetings from blustery Colorado!

Folks have been asking: "When?". The next International Teardrop Gathering is tentatively scheduled for June 2007. It takes quite a bit of time to put it all together and people need to plan far in advance. Not only to make it happen, but to arrange time off to attend!

We'll keep everyone posted. Meanwhile, make sure that you attend a local gathering or if one is not planned for your locale, put one together! It only takes two teardrops [or one completed teardrop and some curious folks] to make a gathering... Be the first in your area to make it happen. It can be as simple as a get-together for a picnic or a potluck at a local park. Nothing says that you have to "sleep over"! Grin!

If you tow it and stop, they will come...


PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:47 pm
by grant whipp
Hey there, George!

June '07, eh? you glutton (for punishment, that is) ... ;-} ;-} ...!
Might be just the thing to jumpstart our trip out to Mystic for the Tear Jerkers' gig in July that year. Say, anybody out west up for a REAL cross-country tour? We leave in June and won't be back 'til mid August ... ;-} ;-} ...!

I just noticed something, though, George - I think you need to speak to Mike re: your status as a "Teardrop Advisor". I would think "Teardrop Master" is more in order, or perhaps "FAotTDW" ("Fellow Apostle of the TearDrop Way")
;-} ;-} ;-} ;-}
Jus' stirrin' the pot a bit!

CHEERS! from the unseasnoably sunny & warm Far-Nor-Cal (careful how you say that!)


PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:52 pm
by robfisher
Cool! Count me in. I know a lot can happen in this length of time but if I'm still on the face of the earth I will make every effort to show up with some kind of a teardrop. Hope I can make it without the duct tape holding it together but I know me; I will be doing some kind of last minute work and probably show up late as usual. I wonder what state we will be hailing from. Would you plan to go to Minden? I sure hope so. They were so nice to us.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:21 pm
by Gage
Maybe with this much notice, more Tearjerkers will be there. :applause:

Have a good day.

Hey Grant, Tanya and I were also thinking about going on over to the other coast after the next ITG and try and hit one or two of thier gatherings.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:26 pm
by Guest
Any hints on where the gathering might be taking place??? :thinking:
Tell me and I'll make your rank to say whatever you want... :lol:

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:08 am
by George T.
Greetings from Colorado!

The folks in Minden, Nebraska sure went out of their way to make us welcome! I can't say enough about that.... :thumbsup: :applause:

There has been some suggestions about Glacier National Park and Banff/Jasper Park in Alberta, Canada. I've been to Banff/Jasper and they are beautiful.

Coordinaton and logistics play a large part in organizing a gathering like this. :?

The groundwork has already been tried and proven at Minden. We'll have to weigh our options and see what we come up with. :thinking:

As for now, I'll say Minden.

By the way, my daughter and grandkids say that they won't come to the next ITG unless Grandpa will spend some time with them during the gathering.... :oops:


PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:02 pm
by alaska teardrop
George :shake hands: Waterton Lakes National Park and Glacier National Park, 'The International Peace Parks' would seem truely international. :) :thinking: UMMM... can't find the international PEACE sign among the emoticons? :o Fred - the worlds' farthest North teardrop builder. :snow

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:45 pm
by len19070
I wish you guys all the luck in the world with the second Minden Rally. But you should really listen to the audience. Here's a post about Minden and why people didn't go. ... ght=minden

Aside from those who didn't have a Trailer, a big reason was

A lot of working people can't take 2 weeks vacation to go to a 3 day event.

A mid week event would improve your attendance, as well as accomodate people traveling 3 to 4000 miles to get there & back greatly. With working people only having to take 1 week off instead of 2.

A lot of Polls have been taken (this board & others) and the Average age of a Teardrop owner is 47.

Most 47 year old people I know still work for a living and have Vacation concerns.

I had 6 TearJerkers members, including myself who wanted, and planned to go to Minden 05, just from my chapter alone. But the 2 weeks away Killed it. This is a 1 week trip. From anywhere in the country. If you make it 2 weeks your going to loose attendance.

Its not my afair but, Post another poll, If Minden were a Tues, Wed & Thurs event and you could do it in 1 vacation week, would you go?

BTW; ALL other Large RV Rallys are Mid-Week.

Best Wishes

Happy Trails

Len Daddona
Liberty Bell Chapter Director

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:41 pm
by davel
What Len says about the mid-week makes a lot of sense. Cindy and I would go regardless of time. Minden was a wonderful place to stay. People and community were really great and made us feel really welcome. Minden really opened our appetite for gatherings. Since returning to Texas we have gone camping anytime we could get at least one other tear to come. It has been a really great year. Of course with all the going the Bluebonnet Tear is still not finished but it has covered a lot of ground.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:36 pm
by madjack
...mid week definitely makes sense. Leaving after work on Fri gives 3r4 days to get there, 3 days there and 3r4 to get home...making the whole trip inna week...heck you can cross country in 3 days so no one could say it was just to far......I know alotta folks would rather have it closer to them than Minden BUT Minden is very close to the geographical center of the country making it about as evenly spaced as is possible to everyone...even those from Canadia and Mexico...might be a hard drive for the Finn, although maybe he and Pedaal can workout a caravan deal together, picking up Andrew and Cool along the way :D
madjack 8)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:07 pm
by Proud2BCDN
There has been some suggestions about Glacier National Park and Banff/Jasper Park in Alberta, Canada. I've been to Banff/Jasper and they are beautiful.

Banff or Jasper would be great for me and my family!! :D :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:30 pm
by Gage
Len, did you ever think about taking vacation from Wednesday to Wednesday? That's only 6 days off work. Maybe they don't let people in FL take vacations like that or it's just because Len doesn't ever plan on going any way. I guess the work force has change sense I was working for a living. I used to get 4 weeks a year and you would be supprised how you could stretch that out so it seemed like more.

Oh and wasn't it the Liberty Bell Chapter that planned a gathering the same weekend several months before, giving some the idea that they had no intention on going to the ITG in the first place? I could be wrong about that and most likely am.

We had better than 120 Teardrops this year (with only a few tearjerkers)and with a year and a half notice for the next one, I'm sure we'll have a big bunch in 2007. So if there's a will, there's a way. It's not like it happens every year.

Just my two cents, have a good day.

P.S. Maybe we could move it to Colorado and then have it Tuesday thru Thursday. Boy that would sure work for me, even better yet, we could have it at the RV Park at Disney Land and then there would be all kinds of things to do with our time. :thinking: ;) With just less than 50 teardrops from California at this last one, it sure would be nice to have it closer to home. :applause:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:26 am
by Dennis T
Isn't it nice you can take vacation by days. where I work it is Sunday to Saturday. Oh, even the days off are vacation. A lond event that would take a week should be in the middle of the week for those far away could attend. Some others can drive straight through to it because of be by themselves and not having another driver.

Two cents with more to come,

Dennis T

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:19 pm
by willy1959
len19070 wrote:A lot of Polls have been taken (this board & others) and the Average age of a Teardrop owner is 47.

oh crap. Im average again.

well almost

but I guess by the time Im 47 I will have a teardrop :applause:

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:43 am
by grant whipp
I have a suggestion ...

... Since your're already there on Monday, anyway, George, why not show up one day earlier and have the event "Officially" run TUESDAY thru Sunday? You can have workshops on Wed./Thurs. and repeat them on Fri./Sat.! That way, you'll make everyone happy. Only trouble is, you won't get your "overall total" of teadrops on 1-2 days. But I guess a total is a total, right?

