by Tom&Shelly » Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:59 am
A railroad conductor always wanted to be an engineer, so one night he steals a train and drives it down the tracks. He isn't very good (naturally) and so the train derails, causes a big mess, and kills some innocent people. He is promptly arrested, tried, and eventually sentenced to die in the electric chair. For his last meal he requests a banana, which he eats, and is then strapped down to the chair and the juice is turned on, but nothing happens. They are forced to let him go free.
He promptly steals another train, causes another derailment, and kills more people. Once again, he is arrested, tried, sentenced to death, and requests a banana for his last meal. Once again he is strapped in and the switch is thrown, but nothing happens. Again, he is freed.
Yet again, he steals a train, causes an accident and kills some more people. So again he is arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to the electric chair. This time, the warden tells the guards that the man cannot have a banana for the last meal. The man requests a banana, but the guards instead give him steak, a baked potato, and peach cobbler for desert. The man is then strapped down and the switch is thrown, and again, nothing happens. The warden calls the guards into his office and asks if they gave him a banana. The guards say "no, he asked for a banana, but we didn't give it to him!"
Turns out, the banana had nothing to do with it. The man was just a very bad conductor.