A man owns some lakefront property that he decides to sell. It is quite nice, with a boat dock on either side of his portion of the lake front, and of course he wants to measure the exact frontage to put in the listing.
So he and his wife use a long tape measure and find the distance between the ends of the docks is 50 feet. "That's strange", the man says, "I always thought it was a little longer than that." His wife points out the shore is a little uneven and suggests he should measure along it. So he takes a yardstick and measuring point to point long the shore he comes up with 58 feet. He is surprised at the difference and decides to check his measurement with a foot long ruler: 67 feet! So he checks again with a 6 inch machinist's ruler: 84 feet!
Perplexed, he goes to the realtor, tells him about the lake shore between the two boat docks, explains to the realtor how he measured the frontage, and asks which measurement he should use. "Wow," says the realtor, "what a pair a docks!"