Computer Help Needed...again

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Computer Help Needed...again

Postby rebapuck » Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:55 am

I have had to uninstall advertising programs from my computer a number of times now. But there are two on my computer (Happy2Save and RandomPrice) that refuse to be uninstalled. What do I do? I'm afraid this computer will hit the dumpster too....and not be replaced. I'm tired of the whole security thing.
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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby dales133 » Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:36 am

Semantic usually have removal tools pretty up to date as do a few other reputable virus companies.
Google te infection but do not use help or tools from any brand you don't reconise or know by name
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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby rebapuck » Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:27 am

I never do. I can't figure out how they get installed on my computer. I can click uninstall and 2 hours later, still there. If I click again, I get a window that asks me to wait while the first program is being removed.
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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby MtnDon » Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:31 pm

There are three tools I use and love.
1. AVG anti-virus. The free version works well. They do try to get you to upgrade to the paid version a lot but for many users the free version is fine. It can catch many of these unwanted addons that get piggy backed along with some other download, before the undesirable gets installed, at times. Avast is also an excellent antivirus.

2. Ccleaner. Great for keeping the registry clean, as well as uninstalling some software and cleaning up unwanted and unneeded files. Free version works great

3. Malwarebytes anti malware. This is something you run "after the fact", after an infection has installed itself. Very handy. Again, both a free and a paid version. Free version works very well.

You can Google "remove item-name" and find lots of sites that claim to be able to help. Problem is some of those sites are just trying to lure you into running their software so they can add something else to your computer.
Last edited by MtnDon on Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby RexInTheCity » Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:53 pm

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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby bdosborn » Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:05 pm

X3 on the Malewarebytes. Saved my a$$ after I had a bad virus take over my machine. I install it on every machine we have.

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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby mezmo » Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:42 pm

Hi rebapuck,

These computers can be downright frustrating Eh?

I'm not an expert at all but I'll swear by Malwarebytes AntiMalware. It's
not a virus remover per se, but a malware remover you use in conjunction
an anti-virus. I'll always use Malwarebytes after I virus scan with my anti
virus program.

That said, your problem sounds like some I've had in the past with "PUPs"
aka "Potentially Unwanted Programs". These aren't technically viruses or
"specifically malicious" programs, but their actions have the same effect,
in so many words. The adware pests are among them. [Different removal
programs may call them by similar acronyms, but the lowdown is that
these PUPs are programs that can make your computer do things
you don't want, or track your actions, or direct you to the websites they,
want you to go to - it helps their ad revenues - etc.,] I've had different
ones over time and I'd then Google "How do you get rid of 'such-n-such" , and
each time I'd find a website with the instructions on how to do so. [That's how I
found out about MalwareBytes a good while ago.]

Here is a link to a website I used to get rid of a different adware pest than
yours [one called "Value Apps"], but follow it's routine with the "Malwarebytes"
and the "adwcleaner" and the "junkware removal tool". It will work, Those
three used together have been of immense help with this kind of problem for me.
These three removal programs have always been the recommendation on
the instructional removal website pages I followed.

Also look at whatever browser(s) you are using and check on their extensions and/or
add-ons, or such. Oftentimes these kind of pests attach themselves to the browser
and through it somehow replace themselves elsewhere on the computer through them,
even after you have already deleted it elsewhere. So either disable or delete them on
the browser or do both if you can. Sometimes you'll need to reset the browser settings
to their original default settings to get rid of it too. [No problem unless you're someone
who has customized them to your liking.] Just look up how to do so for your browser, most
do so through their "tools" button and it's choices. I did this recently to get rid of
"Astromenda" an unwanted search program that somehow got on my computer and that
I had otherwise deleted everything on it, but it kept on showing up - then I recalled
reading something somewhere about the browser extensions and add-ons. I use Chrome,
but also have IE [which I never use.] since it's a Windows OS. I looked at them and found
the "Astromenda" active on them, so I deleted the extension/add-on in Chrome, and reset
the IE back to the default/original. It hasn't shown up since.

One other thing: here is a website that I've also found very helpful. I'd keep it in your
bookmarks or such: [I found out about Malwarebytes through them, years ago.]

'Hope this helps some.

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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby jstrubberg » Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:35 pm

Malwarebytes is a great tool, but it's slightly less than effective against roootkit viruses. I reccomend running ComboFix first, followed by as many runs of Malwarebytes as are needed to get a clean bill of health.

You can download both tools at no cost. Just Google "Malwarebytes download" and "ComboFix download". Combofix should download from bleeping and Malwarebytes from Both are simple to run.

Let us know if you need help with them.
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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby lthomas987 » Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:48 am

I also like Spybot Search and Destroy. there is a free home option that works well and it is effective if a bit slow.
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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby Shadow Catcher » Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:24 pm

I used Add Block Plus and Privacy Badger.
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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby GerryS » Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:02 pm

MacOSX :). I don't have any problem :)
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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby daveesl77 » Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:22 pm

Something you can do that will really, really help in the future and best of all it is all free.

1) First download and install Oracle's Virtualbox.

This allows you to run any operating system inside any other operating system. It creates virtual machines, fake computers inside your computer.

2) Once you have virtualbox installed, then download one of the flavors of Linux. I prefer Linux Mint with the Cinnamon desktop, but any of the Ubuntu flavors work. Some look just like windows. Linux has very few viruses (some, just like Mac, but fewer)

Once you have your distribution (flavor of Linux) downloaded, create a bootable ISO disk from that file. Now here is the trick to all of this. With linux you can easily install it alongside your windows system and you'll probably be really amazed at how easy this is. But instead of installing alongside, you'll want to install it INSIDE the Virtualbox system. There are hundreds of step by step, easy to follow tutorials on how to do this. After you install it, you'll then want to customize your Linux Virtual Machine to be what is called an "immutable" system. What that means is that whenever you close it down, it reverts back to its original, as installed state. This is how the anti-virus companies test files and viruses. You can literally set up your immutable, virtual machine to be essentially invisible to your entire network. Also, it doesn't even matter if you do by some chance get an "infection" since the moment you turn it off, everything just goes away.

The reason why you want to do this is to run your browser inside the Linux system, inside virtualbox, inside windows. It makes you almost bulletproof. It is a "fake" operating system that already has few vulnerabilities, and it fully cleans itself every shut down, running inside a fake computer. Viruses and malware don't know how to act in this. With that all said, if you decide to share folders between your host operating system and your guest system, then a virus could possibly copy itself, but it would be very difficult.

You can also run multiple virtual machines at the same time. I may have an immutable machine running when I go on the web, a normal Win7 machine running and my host is Linux. Win7 and Linux can communicate with each other, but the immutable machine is fully isolated.

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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby tony.latham » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:55 pm

GerryS wrote:MacOSX :). I don't have any problem :)

:thumbsup: Exactly. :thumbsup: I quit Windows in 2009 and would never go back.

Is this a hijack? It's not ment to be. Bad hair day? I can live just fine with that, but a bad computer day? :cry: :thumbdown:

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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby mustangcats » Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:39 pm

Whenever I have a computer problem, I Google the problem I am having (for instance: "Can't uninstall XXX program") and some very good solutions come up. I have been able to troubleshoot and fix my computer problems this way.
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Re: Computer Help Needed...again

Postby RAYVILLIAN » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:16 am

If your thinking of dumpstering this computer what's the harm in trying one of the linux systems on it first like Mint or Ubuntu. there is alot of commercial software that won't run on linux but if you mainly use it for surfing it works fine. My favorite has become Puppy which is very small and can speed up alot of old hardware. I'm currently on here with an old XP laptop running Puppy Precise which I mainly use just to watch videos on TV. There is alot of older laptops around cheap since Microcrap decide to dump XP. This one was free from my son.

The other route is Apple which I've heard is great but they cost alot more and I'm poor and cheap. :R

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