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Things that don't fit anywhere else...

Postby Dusty82 » Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:09 pm

Sorry about that... :D

Here - let me lighten it up before your mascara starts running...

Sam – Schmuckiness Defined

I don’t want folks to get the wrong impression – I truly loved Sam to death. When I say that he’s a schmuck, that’s a term of endearment. He was just this big brown and white ball of goofiness with a heart as big as all outdoors, and I wouldn’t have traded him for the world. When I say that he was loaded with personality, I mean it in a good way. He was, simply put, a great dog – he was just a bit “different.â€
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Postby Cliffmeister2000 » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:21 pm

Sam sounds like my kinda dog! :thumbsup:
God Bless


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Postby Cliffmeister2000 » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:55 pm

Jay's Missions

Jay drives a big rig. A refer, I believe he calls it. He drives to a large warehouse every morning about 4:00 am, and a team of warehousemen grab his pick list and load him up. In fact, as Jay likes to get there early, and is most often the first driver there, the warehousemen often have his load picked and palletized and ready for him. This gives Jay the unique opportunity to visit with the guys for 15 or so minutes every morning.

Now Jay is of Hispanic descent, but he only knows bits and phrases in the language of his ancestors. I tease him about it once in a while, but I know neither Gaelic nor German, so I suppose I am taking some pretty big liberties in my jesting. Jay doesn’t care. He wished he spoke more, and uses every opportunity to practice his rusty Spanish.

The warehousemen are all Spanish-only speakers. They are all legal residents; the company Jay works for is too large to risk hiring undocumented workers. These warehousemen work hard and fast, and Jay enjoys the few minutes he gets to chat with them every morning. Jay is a Follower of Christ, and wants to make sure these guys know the Lord, or at least have the opportunity to, so he talks to them about salvation through Jesus Christ. He prints out Scriptures for them in extra large print in their native Spanish, as more than a few of them could use reading glasses, but cannot afford them. Jay also stops occasionally at the Mexican bakery down the street and picks up a few Mexican Sweet Breads to share. He calls it his Sweet Bread Ministry.

A few weeks ago, Jay was chatting with the crew, and a lonely feline popped her head into the mix, looking for a scratch and a handout. One of the guys had a little half and half container, one of those single serving kind that he had picked up with his coffee that morning. Possibly this was routine, but it was new to Jay. He doesn't really like cats, anyway.

The worker opened the half and half, and let the kitty gently lap up the cream until the little plastic container was quite clean and dry. The kitty then walked the circle, as if offering anybody else the chance to share, but no one did.

Now as I’ve already said, Jay isn’t fond of cats. That evening, however, as he was reading his Bible, he came across Matthew 10:29, where Jesus said, "Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.â€
God Bless


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Postby Ratkity » Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:29 pm

:applause: :applause: :applause:

I lub that Schmuckie Sam!!

Yay for the cat ministry!

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Postby Tumbleweed_Tex » Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:26 pm


During the winter season, any large southern RV campground becomes a thriving, close-knit community. A greater majority of the residents know each other, most being full-timers who have ventured south for the milder clime. Because the campers live so close together, their days and nights are filled with the almost constant movement of mini blinds and window shades, as they keep in tune with what’s going on with their neighbors. Privacy is all but non-existent, and word-of-mouth gossip is like the network news.

The Lucky Dozen is no exception, and although I’ve lived the better part of my life in various RV parks, this is the first time I’ve found myself the main topic of “discussionâ€
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Postby Cliffmeister2000 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:48 pm

God Bless


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Postby queeniejeanne » Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:03 pm

Well, I was only worried that he made it through the intersection of the highway........I know his mind was in another place....I guess I know where now......Fun and Safe all in one story....yea!!!! :R :R :R

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Postby SmilinJack » Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:16 pm


You da man, er boy, er whatever!
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Postby Ratkity » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:28 pm

:applause: :applause: :applause:

w00h00 Tex!

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You Just Can't Win {from a friend}

Postby queeniejeanne » Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:14 pm

It's been rough, I've been sober for eleven months now, but I'm getting used to it.

You see, I'm a navigator on a very important multi-engine freight flight and without me, my crew has a hard time. I'm known for my brilliance and skill.

It started innocently enough, we'd finish a flight and gather around the aircraft and toss a few back to decompress.

As the years went by, I came to feel that there was probably some young upstart hotshot hiding in the wings just waiting for my talents to dim so that he could slide into my position. It kind of became an obsession. To compensate, I tossed a few more back as time went on, and it seemed that my brillance as a navigator was enhanced by it. It helped to "get lit".

I got us through lots of flights without incident, but last year I blundered us into controlled airspace over O'Hare and we had a near miss with the Red-Eye Jumbo outbound for LAX at midnight. All hell broke loose. We just about lost our cargo and the Flight Boss went ballistic.

When we got back to our home field, there was a twitchy little FAA inspector waiting for us and he pulled my cert and my flight physical. Fortunately the boss interceded for me, provided that I get myself into a 12 step program and attend regular meetings. The FAA inspector reluctantly agreed.

So ever since, I've been going from one meeting to another, never really fitting in, but satisfying the requirement nonetheless.

I'm sober, and I've learned that my perceived loss of brilliance...brightness if you will...was all in my imagination and there is not somebody waiting to jump my seat. I'm ready to get back in the air. I'm naturally lit.


It's always the same story at these meetings, it comes to my turn and I stand up and say,
"Hi, My name is Rudolph and I'm sober 11 months"

It never fails. Some jerk in the back row yells,
"I call bullshit! You ain't sober! Just look at that nose!"

You just can't win.
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Postby alffink » Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:19 pm

Ya got me with that one :laughter:
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Postby Cliffmeister2000 » Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:19 pm

Very good! :applause: :applause: :applause:
God Bless


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Postby SmilinJack » Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:44 pm

ATTA BOY, queeniejeanne! ! Good one!
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Postby High Desert » Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:29 pm

Well it's a fine thing indeed. The stories are rollin' again :D

Welcome Dusty and Thomas! :thumbsup:

Ratkity, Cliff, Jeanne; ya'll just keep gettin' better and better 8)

and Tex...'bout time cowboy. We was fixin' to send out a search party. Glad you found the trail home ;)

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Postby Ratkity » Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:30 pm

You got me there, Queenie!! Fabbo!!

:thumbsup: :applause:

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