The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby caseydog » Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:10 am

It got into the upper 30s tonight, so psycho-poodle was cold, and sat by the fireplace until I lit fire for him. This is what a spoiled dog looks like.


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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:22 am

It was 60 degrees yesterday morning and is 28 this morning! :roll: Back to reality for a while I guess. We had a very severe storm blow through this area yesterday. No damage for us, but lots of it pretty close by in this county and the ones to the east of us. Mid 40s for today and then back to mid 50's for a couple days and might even hit 60, then back to the 40s and even 30s by the end of the week. :? :lol:
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:19 am

We are at around 32 degrees today.. and mostly sunny, but breezy. I had hoped it would be warm enough to stain my panels on the upper deck and then move them into the upper sunroom. It does not seem quite warm enough out there for that.. so I am slowly working on them in the sunroom.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:40 am

We started with temps in the teens. We have nice sun, and are supposed to get up above freezing today. It would have been a great morning for a trail ride.. but I am a little under the weather.. so I will play it safe and ride here inside.

I did get my panels stained yesterday… and I got them put up this morning. We did something for an easy weight workout yesterday. I did a bit of stretching and such.. but helped my back and neck a bit. It didn't completely hold… but it is improving. I even got a little nap in.

It's a great morning to take the Snowdog out… and do a little trail clean up.. but again I am using some will power and take it easy.

I will do some rides inside.. and do more stretching and adjusting… I am not sure what else?

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:20 pm

It was 28 degrees this morning, but is 52 degrees and sunny now. Beautiful out. I started my generator and let it run while I went to the detached garage and got the snow blower and put it in the small shed where the generator is (for the summer anyway). Not sleeping well at all lately and knee is bothering me again today. I have the name of a new doctor to try, but have not got an appointment yet. I tried to purchase some software last night on the internet and my payment failed. Huh? Well this morning I called my CC provider and they said that I could not purchase anything from Hong Kong due to to many disputed claims by other Customers. :? I would have much preferred the original software, I found a suitable substitution that will work, just not as well. :(
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:57 am

Another cold night.. and warm sunny day. :) I did go out with the Snowdog this morning, and today it worked quite well. We had very firm snow.. with some loosening corn on top. I went out to do some trail clean up and to just test out the machine. I got into some pretty tight single track with it.

I rode last night again, with Laurie.. riding the race course again. I felt tired.. so I didn't want to just try to go faster than I did in the morning… I wasn't sure what exactly I wanted to do. I had programed 10 robots. In my morning ride.. I killed myself to drop them and ride the course alone. This time I thought maybe I would just draft someone. I got a quick jump at the start.. then waited for someone to ride up and join me. This time 7 of the bots came up as a group. It was the first time I have ever seen them bunch up like that. They kept switching out the lead.. and let me fit in some… but then they started gaining up on me.. we would be in a pace line… me at the back.. and the few right in front of me would block for those in the very front.. the front people would start attacking.. So I had to sprint like mad, to go catch them.. once caught.. they would back off. A few times of that.. and when I chased.. I caught and kept going.. and of course.. they would just speed up and go with me. I would have to chase really hard to catch and drop them.. Anyways.. they really worked me over. I was not sure if I would survive this for the whole ride [but I did]. I also wasn't sure how good at sprinting they would be.. so I attacked hard from about a mile out.. and held them off to the finish. It was a really good workout… and was fun as heck.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:19 am

Happy March! :)

Rainy day here. Should clear out a bit until this afternoon and then we might get severe thunderstorms with damaging winds. High of 70 predicted for today and mid 40s for tomorrow and then 40 and snow Friday! :? :lol:
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:46 pm

We have a rainy day here also.. it got up to 50.. and is quite foggy. That will eat up our snow…. fast. I went and got a few groceries this morning.. then swung by the shop. I just wanted to check in… and maybe talk to Dave.. he was busy.. then left. :shrug: I did hang out a bit.. there seems to be a lot going on. We have a lot of stuff coming in. Paul was checking stuff in, and David [another David] was building bikes. We have sold some nice stuff already :twisted: They are each getting new mountain bikes.. [They might be shop bikes.. shop demo's that they get possession of] They are nice @#$%@#$ bikes. Neither of them have done much mountain biking in years.. so it will be nice to have them riding again.

I met Laurie for lunch.. semi unplanned.. to find out she had taken the afternoon off. We then went to Augusta to see our nieces new baby. Laurie's sister's daughter had her first baby last night.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:31 am

Winds howled all night here and are still pretty bad. Should let off a bit after 9 or so this morning, but still be windy (15-25mph) until this evening. High should be about 46 or so and maybe some sun. Mark and I were going to go to the range today, but not sure now with the wind and all. :thinking:
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:28 am

We were above freezing this morning.. warmish but I didn't really check. It had gotten dark.. windy.. and we are supposed to cool down. By Sat. our highs will be in the single digits.

A little house work.. then outside for some work. I was doing some figuring for a small barn addition. I have also done some work and figuring on the Snowdog. In deep snow one side of the cover rubs against the clutch. :o I don't want to wear through it, so I have made an inner guard. Then looking at and trying to figure out ways to carry tools.

I will perhaps head into town after lunch.. to look at tool pouches etc.

We do have a race tonight. I am sort of excited for this one. It is a course that will perhaps favor me more than the others we have recently done. I have also ridden it a few times.. so no surprises in that regard. My fitness seems way down from a month or even two ago.. while Bill's has only improved since than. So there isn't much chance of beating him… but I hope to do semi good in it. [Of course one never has any idea who might show up.]

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:54 am

My race was so-so. I rode the course faster twice earlier this week. I got 4th overall.. although I would have had to go a bit faster than my fastest to have moved up to 3rd. :shrug:

I did pick up a tool bag for the Snowdog. It zips up closed.. and has room for tools, fuel and oil. I made a sheath for my loppers. I have the bag on the left rear.. the sheath just ahead of that. [they fit tight] and my saw goes on the right. The bar [and sheath] slides into a gap in the cover.. into the engine compartment. It looks like it will work well.

We have been cold and windy.. 20-30 mph winds with 50 mph gusts We have good sun today.. but coldish.
Last edited by Fenlason on Sun Mar 05, 2017 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:21 am

Been windy here to. Cold today starting at 19, but sunny and up to about 32 now. Breezy still, but not windy today. Still going to be cold tomorrow and then back in the 50s and 60s starting Monday. Been colder the last couple days than it was most of the winter. :?
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:10 am

The weather said teens… they must mean that might be our high... :roll:

I was debating going outside to work.. but it is currently 2 degrees and very windy.. and fairly weak sun… so I guess I will stay inside.

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Sun Mar 05, 2017 5:13 am

:SH Woke up about 4 and could not go back to sleep.

15 degrees this morning. Should be a sunny day with high about 38. I have some cleaning to do and grocery shopping for today. Might go to the range this afternoon to sight in my AR again. I moved the red dot sight and added iron sights. Although that will probably wait until tomorrow when it is a bit warmer.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:56 am

We were down around zero this morning. It is still windy.. but not quite as bad as it has been. At least today our sun is fairly strong. It is also supposed to warm more than yesterday.. and continue into a warmer week.

I did do some work in the shop yesterday. Just general picking up.. and hanging more tools and such on the walls. We did have dinner out with our group last night… and that was good. :) On the way home I did some trail exploring. We drove past various trail crossings… where snowmobile trails cross the road. I just wanted to see the conditions of some of the fields. I was also looking for where I had gone wrong on one of my bigger exploratory rides. I did find it. There is an intersection real close to a house on a dead end road. I also refreshed my memory on some of the old loop we had done.

I am thinking about heading out this afternoon for a ride.. although I haven't talked to Laurie yet. I kind of would like to start on the loop I made my mistake.. then come back on the old loop.. and then back the way we came. That might be 30+ miles.. so maybe not… :NC A lot of that will depend on how slow the snow is.. and how Laurie is feeling??

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
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