Static Toe-In Angle Question on Hubs

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Re: Static Toe-In Angle Question on Hubs

Postby ssuuki19 » Tue May 12, 2020 8:41 pm

1 by six pressure treated decking board, its great for the job, all the wood is clamped to the frame with 10 standard u-bolts (*plus 4 bolts in the frame)
image4.jpg (103.02 KiB) Viewed 1375 times
brand new same Flexiride 930lb adjustable spline half axles, same wheel spacer adapters from the original stripped down version
image5.jpg (71.42 KiB) Viewed 1375 times
wires on the tongue still to be fished into the junction box to fully clean up the look
image6.jpg (77.72 KiB) Viewed 1375 times

Test two
Last edited by ssuuki19 on Tue May 12, 2020 10:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Static Toe-In Angle Question on Hubs

Postby ssuuki19 » Tue May 12, 2020 8:45 pm

my design approach is there to be seen - hopefully simple
image7.jpg (74.96 KiB) Viewed 1374 times
won't hold much, but that box is about 4 foot four by 8 foot nine so she'll fit some plywood and osb and whatnot without pinching the fingers
image8.jpg (81.29 KiB) Viewed 1374 times
its light its less than three hundred pounds for sure, and remember i can take these 10 standard u-bolts & 4 lag bolts off, drop the cabin back on & 8 lag bolts and go for a road trip ;) until then.. the barn fenced stripped down aluminum half axxed laydee is back on the road logging miles ;)
image9.jpg (123.88 KiB) Viewed 1374 times

Test thrice

How does sealant get on my triceps and then my car seat?? more than once??
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Re: Static Toe-In Angle Question on Hubs

Postby ssuuki19 » Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:52 am

Its been a while... ummm.. uhhhh... the damn trailer still trails. It works. I never even greased the hubs. To put book-ends on this post perhaps I should take those darn warped half axles and make that darn ATV trailer ... at some point. But just for now, she still tows, she does work, because I don't own a pickup truck so I need this 4 1/2 by 9 trailer. Over and out for now..

How does sealant get on my triceps and then my car seat?? more than once??
Aluminum is almost as fascinating as wood.
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Re: Static Toe-In Angle Question on Hubs

Postby ssuuki19 » Fri Aug 02, 2024 4:00 pm

Its been awhile... the barn fenced chassis is by far the best thing I have ever made. Fender impacts have been made on both the driver and passenger side. On both occasions, the thinner angle aluminum holding the fender took the stress and severely bent before the 'driver' realized the fender was catching something.

On both occasions, removing that piece of aluminum angle, copying the holes onto a new piece, re-bolting it, and re-riverting the fender made the trailer look as if no accident had happened. The fenders are fine. Two scraps of angle lost.

Both sides.. one happened in reverse, one happened in forward. Both simple to repair. Yes.

I should take a picture:
IMG_1320 (4).jpeg
bonfire has to start somewhere
IMG_1320 (4).jpeg (464.05 KiB) Viewed 524 times

How does sealant get on my triceps and then my car seat?? more than once??
Aluminum is almost as fascinating as wood.
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