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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:45 pm
by hankaye
flboy, Howdy;

Yup, still working at the Marriot in Coco. Sent him a question ... if he is still using his "Les Nessman WKRP
Hurricane Tracking Map"??? Reckon they are taking this one more seriously, haven't heard from him yet.
He's got a house on the Island in between the barrier island and mainland. Hope he has time to pack-up
his electronics. He's into computers and all that stuff. Was the IT guy at a few properties he's worked at
over the years.



PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:21 pm
by flboy
I am sure he will be fine.. If they evacuate the islands, he should go too.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 7:53 am
by hankaye
flboy, Howdy;

Right now he's probably busy doing what he can to prep for the storm bot at work and home, so
I won't hear from him till it's over most likely.

Y'all be careful over there. Don't forget, that 7' tall trailer makes a great sail for side winds with or
without the anti-sway bars. Do yer best to keep the nose into the wind.



PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 7:55 am
by flboy
If I evacuate. It will be last minute and I won't pull it for that reason. If I was going to take the CTC, I'd need to leave early Saturday and there will be gridlock.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 8:53 pm
by flboy
Tommy, I am staying put for the Hurricane. My wife pulled Hospital lock in duty for the duration. Not leaving town without her.

Let me know if you are evacuating and need me to check on your place after the storm subsides. Also, after and you need anything, if I can help, I will. Take care.

Only one good thing that will come out of this. We will have plenty of firewood in ONF this winter real near camp. :)


PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:12 am
by Tommy B
Hello all.
Want to say right off thank you Martin for the offer but we are going to ride it out. Made preparations like a crazy man yesterday. Boarded up, trimmed trees and much more. Lost 5 pound in water weight. I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

Police came by last night and wanted to review my security cameras because the house two doors down had there generator stolen right in front of the garage door. Looks like a big red dodge crew cab swooped down the street most likely they jumped out and loaded it up fast and hauled butt with it. My C.T blocked the camera that would have caught them in the act but the other cameras caught them approaching the house. It was them for sure. If my garage door would have been open it could have been us as our garage is full of generators, dirt bikes and stuff. Scum. I carried yesterday when prepping the house as people where driving by and looking hard while I was out back installing shutters and the garage door was wide open. I got lucky. BEWARE. Don you too brother.

Don't know what the near future holds for us but I think we will be ok.

Don, worked at that hospital for 14 years and yes, the storm team sucks. Pre or Post. Very sorry. It split Kathy and I up every time. She would take Pre and I would take Post team. I was home alone in the storms and she would come home to the mess when it was over. Frustrating. Good luck Don and if we can assist you in any way let me know.
Yes we will have an epic bon fire in November in Ocala. :thumbsup:

I will be back!


PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:31 am
by Padilen
Praying for all

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:12 am
by hankaye
Tommy B. Howdy;

Same message to you as I just posted to Don, Stay safe & dry, don't expect to hear from ya till next week sometime.
Take care of what ya need to.



PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:42 pm
by Tommy B
Had to have one last project completed. Interior LED lights are hard wired DC now. Like them but you have to be right up on the remote receiver to make changes. This kit was $18.00 or so. The one I placed out side was $95.00 but you can be any ware in my 6x12 and I believe it works fine. Just Info.

No more Coleman Lantern or a need for flash lights. It just gets better every accessory. Cheaper and easier to use in the long run.

Rain is picking up a bit but the C.T is bone dry so far.

Looks good for us! So far :worship:


PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:22 pm
by featherliteCT1
Looks good .. very functional trailer!


PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:45 pm
by flboy
Looks great Tommy! Yes there is a difference in the two LED sets. The one you bought that works from further away is the RF type and the one like I have and the one you just mounted inside is Infra Red (IR) which has to line of sight like the TV remotes. IR just keeps the wise guys from turning on your lights. Probably only a hand full of frequencies for those RF ones.

Looks like we are going to catch a break from Irma.. I feel bad for the folks on the West Coast of Fl.; however.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 4:59 pm
by Tommy B
Listen this awning fabric replacement order # Order # AB- 115326 Leaks like a spaghetti colander. You can clearly see day light through every stitch along the top seam. Who made this POS. Are you kidding me!. You need to make this right and give me a real replacement that does not leak like THE original Dometic 8500 awning fabric. I am posting this on tntt. com. You can not even reach a human on your web site. Your C.S went in the toilet with this system. Call me or e-mail me. This week. Please.

Bad product. :x

Let you know how this goes. RV PARTS COUNTRY. This fabric replacement is terrible. So much was going on I could not address it but now I can. Really bad seams and stitch holes. :x I need it now and in the near future and it is leaking very bad under the C.T. Let you all know.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:07 am
by Tommy B
We made it just fine. No Damage just a mess of debris. One tree down, some power lines down stuff like that. Still no power.

Pressed the CT into service. AC and stove top plus the local news is very convenient. Sleep in there last night as my home generator is so massive it was able to run the AC in the camper as well as many things in the house and it was only at 48% utilization according to the meter. Made breakfast in there before work this am. I love this this C.T!

Very thankful.

Don how are you doing. Back at work here.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:45 am
by flboy
This is how I made breakfast yesterday.. Coleman stove on stovetop. Honda runs everything else. If power was off longer, would have used the CTC for hot showers. I have a window AC for the master bedroom which runs off Gen.

Got power last night. House is good . Thanks. Good to hear you are ok.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:38 am
by Tommy B
VERY COOL Don! I know you love your bacon.

When the power, phone and cable go out, we still had access to important info that I would not have had otherwise. Still waiting on power I believe.

Don that antenna is AWESOME! Thanks again.

I surveyed the neighborhood on the KTM. Just an excuse to ride but I was able to work around the very few power lines easily.