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Weekend in the Arkansas Ozarks

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 10:35 pm
by Nobody
Last Thursday Lenora & I loaded up the TD and headed out about 1:30PM for the Sylamore Wildlife Management Area in the Ozark NF near Mountain View, AR. It wuz cloudy & cool with showers but a sunny, dry weekend was forecast so we thought we'd take a chance. Gunner Pool NF C/G which we'd decided on is located about 4.5mi up Sylamore Creek from the Blanchard Springs Caverns tourist attraction & another NF C/G.

After being distracted by some of the recent tornado damage enroute we arrived at Gunner Pool around 5PM or so & 138mi on the odometer. We pretty well had our pick of the 24 campsites, only 3 other campers in the place. There ain't a bad site in the C/G & most are shaded, level parking w/tent pads. About a half dozen sites are tent only but all the rest will accomodate RV's & seem ideally designed for teardrop camping with nice tables, BBQ grills, lantern poles & firepits. No hookups but there are several water faucets & clean, vault toilets located throughout the C/G. There are 3 'loops' with some sites located either on Sylamore Creek or on Gunner Pool.

The C/G is the site of old CCC Camp Hedges thru which several thousand men passed on work assignments with the Civilian Conservation Corps during the 1930's & early 1940's. The CCC workers actually 'built' the rock dam which forms Gunner Pool as well as most of the rock 'berm's & abutments scattered throughout the C/G. Located about 3mi off SH 14, the gravel access road drops a few hundred feet enroute to the C/G.

We had camp set up within minutes of selecting site #10 (ain't TD's great :D ) & took a quick stroll around the area before relaxing for the evening. The snug bed in our TD was appreciated when night time temps dropped to upper 40's that night. We spent the next couple of days exploring the area both on foot trails & driving around the NF & WMA, foraging for campfire wood & just enjoying the gorgeous weather (daytime temps in 70's, nights mid 50's), & campfires in the evening.

As the weekend neared, the C/G filled pretty quickly. Being down in a deep valley/canyon there's no cell phone signal. Been a long time since I've seen that many young people walking around without a cell phone 'glued' to their ear ;) . We met some nice folks & I've decided that if the teenagers & young adults we met are any indication, maybe, just maybe the world isn't 'going to hell in a hand basket' after all :thumbsup: .

Sunday morning we cooked biscuits & had them with fresh raw honey & coffee for breakfast which we shared with a young hiker who'd spent the night in a 'camping hammock' at the next campsite. After seeing him on his way to the next trail stop 4mi upstream where his car was waiting, we took our time about breaking camp & getting ready to head home. Left camp about 12:30PM & had a nice 3hr drive thru some scenic hills to home.

Had an absolutely great time doing nothing that we didn't want to & are eagerly looking forward to another short trip here in the 'Natural State'.

Here's a few pix -

Camp set up at Gunner Pool

Gunner Pool from dam end

Sylamore Creek above camp

Kids playing in Sylamore Creek

Wildflowers, lichens, poison ivy, etc., growing on the rocks

Tulip poplars blooming in camp

Sunday mornin' breakfast just about ready

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 10:20 pm
by BillyLandry
Hey Harvey
Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like a really great place to camp. :)

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 1:55 am
Thanks Harvey !
Looks like a very nice place to camp. :)
I will have to look that one up for future camping. :thinking:
Great pictures also of the pool and greenery. :thumbsup:



PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:25 am
by madjack
Beautiful looking spot Harvey, I will havvta put it on the "to do" list...thanks for sharing it with us :thumbsup: ................... 8)