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Lake Tawakoni, TX

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:01 pm
by 2bits
tawakoni.jpg (93.84 KiB) Viewed 809 times

I STILL haven't finished my teardrop due to ten other things getting in the way, but I am almost done and my little sister and her hubby just bought a 32' motor home (shudder) from his parents and needed to store it at my place for a few weeks while they set up their fence and backyard to store it in, and I never even considered taking this monstrosity camping, but after delivering it, my sister suggested I take it out for a spin or a camping trip and it has been since last Beaver's Bend since I have been camping so I begrudgingly took this camping out camping! I put this caveat because I am a devout teardrop/tiny Trailer camper!

So my girlfriend and I are celebrating our 6 mo together and I thought it would be a nice opportunity. I live at Lake Tawakoni, so I went online and there was ONE sire left in the whole Tawakoni state park and I booked it right away! We got there at noon yesterday and found a great wooded site with a trail out the back that led right to the lake. It was a great time just chilling by the fire and grilling skewers and then a nice bacon and egg breakfast and walking the trails this morning! We left 5 min after check out time at 2pm.

In true teardrop fashion, We only hooked up the power so we could have lights and AC. We didn't even bother with the water tanks or cooking indoors. All cooking was done over the firepit or on the grill, and we showered using the park facilities. This made it great because when we were ready to leave, we unhooked the power and drove on out, just like a teardrop….

Great weekend!

Re: Lake Tawakoni, TX

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:07 am
by GerryS
Some would argue you don't need power, just run off battery or none at all :)

I love the easy in easy out days. My wife wants to set up tents and canopies. That's my least favorite type of day. But it still beats a day at the office...

Speaking of which, there went the alarm :(

Re: Lake Tawakoni, TX

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:37 am
by aggie79
Hey Thomas,

I'm glad you explained everything. For a moment I thought you were crossing over to the dark side.

I'm glad y'all found a space. Understandably it seems that all of the state parks within a 2-hour drive of DFW are booked most of the time. It's a shame that you can't just hook up the teardrop and go.

Tawakoni looks great! I haven't been there since the mid-1970s. I'll need to add that park to the list.

Take care,