There's a Wagner Krusty Korn Sausage Pan on eBay right now. It's going "cheap" because it is lacking the base but if you have a square griswold or Wagner waffle iron you'd be all set. I've watched these on eBay for years and have never seen a complete one sell for under $250. And they don't show up on eBay every often, maybe one a year in my experience...
My experience is these are a little more finicky than a waffle dogger, I *think* because it is thicker and takes longer to heat up than a waffle dogger or a regular wagner waffle iron. There's also a little less room for batter inside even if you use a thinnish hot dog. I like the batter to hot dog ratio with my Krusty Korn but it's more likely to fall apart just because there's not enough batter to hold it together. On the other hand, I love that it's cast iron rather than aluminum. I know the whole "aluminum causes alzheimer's" thing has been disproved but I hate taking chances with the few brain cells I have left.
One think I really do like about the Krusty Korn is you can cook corn dogs in the over with it - just use your favorite cornbread recipe rather than waffle batter and toss it in the oven. I suppose I could do that with the waffle dogger as well if I unscrewed the handles but I've never tried it.