Coleman lantern leads to expensive cast iron

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Coleman lantern leads to expensive cast iron

Postby Redgloves » Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:56 am

Friday started off on a trip to get a Sears lantern found on CL. Exchanged conversation with the seller about her interesting home that has 6 organ grinding monkeys, 30 years old Wolf gas stove, the Sears lantern, and I inquired about other objects for sale. Ended up with a Lodge chicken fryer covered in rust and crud from sitting outside. Cover fit well, no wobble.

Well, on the trip home, thinking about creating an electrolysis sytem. I have learned that the 2008 Dodge Dakota loves speed espically around local law enforcement officials. "Mam, do you know how fast you were going". Ummm, over the speed limit. Received speech the speed limit on Minnesota two lane roads is 55mph. Duh.

Ughhh, now two speeding tickets in one month! First on on way to visit Camp Inn factory in Necedah, Wi.

Total waste of money, which is needed for other things.

Went to the local Menards (local chain like Home Depot). Wander around looking for needed parts to create electrolysis system. While in the paint department (steelwool needed) the worker asked "Can I help you?"

Well, shared I was creating an electrolysis system. His face shined with a huge smile. He knew exactly what I was doing!!! THis knowledgable man drew diagrams, told me the wire I needed.

He walked around the main selling floor with me picking out various clamps to hold all pieces together and explaining what to do with the wire.

Off to the electrical deparment for 10 gauge wire. Oh, confussing world. The electrical worker is a total drip of dumbness. Totally clueless on what I was doing. At least he contacted the knowledgeable man, who explained what I needed. Picked up the 50 foot spool of 10 gauge wire. Went back to the electrolysis expert. No, that is not correct. He explained stranded wire, OK. Back to electrical, wander and wander. Find useless employee, who knew where the standed wire is located.

Take finds to check out.

Obtained used lawn mower blades and electronic battery charger from bother.

Saturday build the electrolysis system.
Find 30 gallon tub in home, which naturally is holding other prizes.
Attach lawn mower blade to tub with plastic clamps.
OK, now for the wire. Another lesson removing plastic coating from wire. Finally after an hour of removing plastic coating from 4 sections to attach to blades. Apply C clamps to bare wire.

Time to hand the chicken fryer. Hunt for suitable material. Find zip tie and old shoe string. USe these to suspend into water. Add water and baking soda.

Follow printed directions on attaching positive and negative electrodes. Turn on the trickle battery charger. Hmmm, nothing. Talk to brother. Oh, that battery charger probably won't work, thought it might, but guess not. OH, dear old brother what do I need? He is not willing to let me use his "huge" charger. OK, off to the neighbors to inquire if he has a battery charger. Sure, what are you doing?

He came over to investige. Completely intriuges.

OK, hook up ends as directed in the online instructions. Red to pan and black to lawnmower blades.

Cool, the water is "smoking". Wow, finally playing with water and electricity. As time progresses, water becomes rusting and black. Well, looked at progress of CI pan cleaning. Hmmm, something isn't correct. Lawn mower blades are clean and pan is dirterier!

Dumb out water. Add clean water and more baking soda. Attach black clamp to pan and red clamp to lawnmower blades. Again cook watching the small bubbles leave the CI pan. Time passes, pan becoming cleaner!
Leave on overnight. Shut off in the morning. Dumb out rusty water. Scrub CI pan. Hmmm, still has a coating of black soot, dirt, rust remaining. Add clean water, baking soda and start again.

So, eventually pan will become clean. THen have a free rusty CI griddle to do next.

So I am playing with electricity and water, taking apart a Sears lantern. Garage is not a man's world in this single women's world.

Moral of the story, buying a new chicken fryer would have been cheaper, but without the memories!
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Postby Cliffmeister2000 » Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:48 pm

Sounds like fun!

I have not yet tried electrolysis, but I believe that lye is better than baking soda. You can usually find it in the plumbing section as a drain cleaner. Make sure it is just lye, no other chemicals needed. :thumbsup:

Here's the WAG Society write-up ... _setup.htm
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Postby Zollinger » Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:01 pm

:lol: Other than the speeding tickets (knocking on wood here) that story could be me. Menards is WAY better that our local Fleet Farm, they may stock it, but guaranteed the shelf will be empty, and you can never find an employees when you need one.
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Postby ironhead » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:01 pm

Electrolysis is the best way to go for rusty pieces of CI or soak pieces in solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% water for several hours. Now for real cruddy carbon grease build up Lye is the ticket. just put several pieces in a bucket of water add lye. never do the opposite and be sure to wear goggles when doing so. Lye will burn you if exposed to skin or eyes.
as for baking soda used in Electrolysis It's best to use Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda it works so much better. It's what i use. ... =351933682
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Postby ironhead » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:13 pm

here is a pic of my Electro

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