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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:01 pm
by Maureenm
Thanks,Doug. I was kind of wondering what the turn around options were if one was to miss it on the first pass. Mike mentioned something about only entering coming from the West, so the suggested second place to turn around for another pass at it is really helpful. Now I feel prepared :)


PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:58 am
by doug hodder
Since our time is nearing for this epic event...Now is the time for all new people to ask any question that they may have about this event and what they may need to bring or not bring. So ask away! Many of us have been to this event before and can give you some tips. If you are uncertain...ask now, rather than make your experience less than what you wanted.

Wanna go in the river?...bring some water type shoes, or Crocs. Is it cold?, but it's not the same as a shower, many of us bathe in it daily, or hot showers at the next campground, Swimmers Delight. Lots of people spend quite a bit of time in the river. Can my dog go in the river? Yup...just make sure they are "socialized" and you have control over them.

Will I have my own picnic table?....chances, bring a folding table to make sure you're covered. There are a number of tables, but we are going to have a lot of people so tables more than likely will be shared.

Will I have my own fire ring? No...there are quite a few of them but since it's kind of a "festival type" camping experience, you will have to share one. That has never been a problem and it's always a great time to meet others and have some yucks.

Is there poison oak?...yep...but Joanie usually marks it with some flagging on the path towards the river.

Are there flush toilets? No...there are at Swimmers Delight. These are pit toilets, and Joanie has always made them about the most welcoming pit toilets I've ever seen.

Where is the nearest store? There is a fairly new store with a large selection of food/deli/beverage/ice and fuel about 5 miles from the campground. Fortuna has a full service grocery store and lots of other suppliers.

Is it gonna be hot? Chances are, no. It will be much cooler in the trees as opposed to the meadow. There may be some mist from fog usually in the morning, but I'd bet there will be no "official" rain. Mornings are cooler, days are nice. Plan on mid 70's days. It was over 100 here and when we got there it was 76.

Do I need to bring an EZ up? If you plan to camp in the I'm gonna be in the meadow, and not going to bring one. Can I guarantee you won't need one out there?..nope. I do have an awning on my tear though. It won't get really hot, but some shade is nice to have.

Are you an early riser? We'll see you at the cook shack. Joanie always puts on a great early morning, hot chocolate, fruit, snacks and a good dose of BS. It's always fun when most of the camp is still asleep and we are up and going and telling jokes....that's my favorite time of day at the IRG. Please be aware, that no fashion police are on duty at any time at the IRG. Pajamas, bed head, eye buggers,'s all OK! We're got a problem with how someone is're in the wrong crowd.

As a side note...I'd like to mention that many people will be very generous and cook dutch oven eats or provide snacks/food for anyone that shows up and has a plate. Please remember that every oven has a fair amount of $$ into it's makeup. Someone put the dough into that pot of food, so please either reciprocate, donate, or help clean up. It's in keeping with the "pay it forward" theme.

I've been to many official "gatherings" in the last 7 years since I started building tears. This is in my opinion, one of the finest ones you'll ever attend. I'm really looking forward to seeing a lot of my teardropping friends and meeting a lot of you new members. Now is the time for all good teardroppers to get geared up for this event! Doug


PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:46 pm
by S. Heisley
Well written, Doug. :thumbsup:


PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:09 pm
by byrdz1
Eye buggers! I LOVE it. My flannel "pants" should fit right in. The came from the pants section of the catalog I tell you, they are NOT pajamas.


PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:55 pm
by Maureenm
Haha, I am totally planning on copying you and ordering some for myself before IRG, if you don't mind! I was envying them!
;) no twinsies, I promise
I'm also ok with wearing pajamas whenever possible.


PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:37 pm
by doug hodder
Stretchy waste bands in pants is definitely a + when camping. I catch a lot of heat on my chefs pants....but even some of the naysayers have gotten on board with the program...although his wife isn't too enthused about it all. :lol: Doug


PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:38 am
by tjx
I was told there may be "swaps" there....if so what type of things do people swap? :thinking:


PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:40 pm
by doug hodder
Mostly it's been camping related items, or trailer parts for a new build, IE Coleman stoves/ lanterns/ cast iron, galley type stuff, taillights, windows, any extra trailer parts that someone had left over from their build. What's acceptable is Joanie's call. I know that she doesn't want it to turn into a parking lot type swap meet with typical garage sale stuff on display. I'll just put my stuff into the raffle. Doug


PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:30 pm
by tjx
thanks Doug. I certainly don't want to drag alot of stuff half way across the countryside. :lol:
I have a swap for the table set aside to donate already and maybe a second one.
looking forward to this gathering.
See everyone soon!