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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:56 am
by Gage
That was Oasis Maker that went to bed. ;)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:09 am
by doug hodder
Doesn't matter which one went to bed Gage....I think both are IRG newbies....golly...wonder what will happen????? :thinking: :thinking: Doug

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:22 am
by Oasis Maker
doug hodder wrote:Doesn't matter which one went to bed Gage....I think both are IRG newbies....golly...wonder what will happen????? :thinking: :thinking: Doug

"Wonder what will happen???" Well I can assure you no "gollies" will be provided by me? Don't let that exchange with Prem and me mislead you. A joke was wrongly taken out of context and I went way too far in having to explain it. My original post was just trying to remind people in a fun and creative way how wild that movie was in our youth, and that maybe it wouldn't be appropriate for IRG setting and this stage of our lives.

Incidentally, I was signed up, paid in full, and ready to leave for IRG 2.0, and it was literally right at that same time that it was discovered I had a brain tumor. My surgery was in August 2008. So if I am fortunate enough to attend IRG 3.0, it will have a very significant meaning for me and I will be grateful just to be there. "Newbie?" Not to appreciating the company of good people and camping in beautiful settings I'm not. And I am confident of having both at IRG 3.0.


Scott G.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:48 am
by Blumie
Now you guys have us newbies all confused. We were just about to fill out the IRG 3.0 registration when I saw all this about RHPS and loudspeaker-ed movies in the meadow. We don't want to be wet rags at your party. Is there a quiet section at these gatherings for the folks who don't stay up late?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:07 am
by Oasis Maker
blumie wrote:Now you guys have us newbies all confused. We were just about to fill out the IRG 3.0 registration when I saw all this about RHPS and loudspeaker-ed movies in the meadow. We don't want to be wet rags at your party. Is there a quiet section at these gatherings for the folks who don't stay up late?

Amen. Question already asked.

dhazard wrote:
Oasis Maker wrote:
Hey seriously - what about that? I've been wondering about the noise factor and other campers? Is this kosher to do? Do we own the joint as far as reservations?

Scott G.

It is a closed event, just us teardropers, so be aware when picking out your campsite that we will make some noise in the meadow on movie night.

Maybe Doug's question about "newbies" should be inverted? :thinking:

Scott G.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:14 am
by jhb
For those who haven't been able to attend in the past, I was a nube 2 years ago. I camped in the meadow, about 150 feet of open space from the rabble rousing group watching the movie. Went to bed at 10:pm and never heard them. At least not any more than the folks in the trees sitting by the camp fire and laughing and telling stories.

There will be 250 people at this event and it is spread out over a fairly large area. There were, what, 25 or so that gathered around the movie screen, that means that there were 225 in bed or sitting round a camp fire.

In many ways, IRG wasn't one big gather, it was several dozen small gathers all in one place. But a word of warning: Don't stand by a group you don't know for too long or they'll invite you in, hand you some refreshment, a chair, some food, and compel you to be their friends for the rest of your life! :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:22 am
by dhazard
blumie wrote:Now you guys have us newbies all confused. We were just about to fill out the IRG 3.0 registration when I saw all this about RHPS and loudspeaker-ed movies in the meadow. We don't want to be wet rags at your party. Is there a quiet section at these gatherings for the folks who don't stay up late?

Linda, Relax I will try and remove some of the confusion. At IRG 2 some of us came directly from a smaller gathering to IRG. I did a move night at the other gathering so I had a projector with me and we had an impromptu move night. We were going to show “The Long, Long Trailerâ€

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:32 pm
by DougH
How about American Graffiti? Just love that 55 Chevy :)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:36 pm
by doug hodder
Excellent suggestion! 108min.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:46 pm
by halfdome, Danny
Hey, this gathering is in the REDWOODS! They are practically "sacred" - kind of "God's natural cathedral" kind of thing. Showing something as crass as The Rocky Picture Horror Show" would be a travesty. If you're going to show a movie, how about something like a feel-good, happy Western - since we'll be in the heart of the West. How about something like "Silverado?" -- Jane

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:48 pm
by halfdome, Danny
DougH wrote:How about American Graffiti? Just love that 55 Chevy :)

We will know in a week if Jane can get the time off for us to attend IRG 3.0.
I have American Graffiti & the follow up American Graffiti movie, watch it when Jane can't camp with me :thumbsup: .
I have the complete collection of Mel Brooks movies 8) . :D Danny

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:50 pm
by sunny16
So what night was the movie at IRG 2.0? I was there thru Friday night, left Saturday around noon and don't remember ever hearing about it. It must have been Saturday night.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:17 pm
by rainjer
I have "Follow Me Boys!" also. That is a fun movie. 133min.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:55 pm
by Dean in Eureka, CA
For any and all with noise concerns about Dan's "Movies on the Meadow" prensentation(s)... Relax.
There are conditional rules we must adhere to regarding sound levels at Pamplin Grove in regards to the protection of two breeds of endangered birds and the setup used does not excede the noise levels or how they are broadcast.

I suggested two movies, but since there have been so many, I will change to just one... Little Big Man. :worship:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:35 pm
by doug hodder
How about any of the Peter Sellers Pink Panthers?