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Huge Campout

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:54 am
by Prem
Hey gang,

Saturday night, September 12th

The Mythical State of Jefferson is the theme and route of this year's Cycle Oregon. Riders from 12 countries are riding 500 miles in five days from Medford to Yreka to Happy Camp to Lake Selmac to Glendale to Grants Pass and back to Medford. They are starting tomorrow morning from the huge park just down the street from my house!

There are 2,100 riders and about 900 support people and vendors in the park tonight. There are a dozen tractor trailer rigs and three ambulances all camped in the 12 square block park. There are tents set up filling most of the park. Hundreds of them. There are motorhomes on the side streets. (No teardrops/No Dutch ovens tho.)

This is the biggest thing to hit Medford in quite a few years :EXP

The beer garden and bands were great tonight! Coffee at 5 AM. Breakfast at 6: 30. I might go watch them start the ride en mass.


PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:04 pm
by 4123
Hey Prem,

They all rode right past our place here on Caves Highway on Tuesday. It was quite a sight. Olga and I were surprised to see that the majority of the riders were 50+ in age. They had a long steep upgrade (15%) to negotiate just after crossing our road and Olga & I rode our motorcycle to the top to watch them pump up the hill. Most of them walked their bikes up that one.... To our surprise, there was a drum band playing at the top of the ridge in the middle of nowhere.

How are you doing?


PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:08 pm
by Prem
Very good Ron. Glad you got to see all the riders!

I'm just working all day every day now on my new get the roof on before it starts raining.

Say HI to Olga, John, Sawyer and Mina for me.
